Chapter 33 - Welcome

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"Hey Leigh?" Maggie turned around to face me as she spoke, making her walk backwards. I raised my vision to look at her as it was before hand fixed on the gravel beneath feet. "You know, Carl could be at Terminus. I see you still have that locket on."

I lifted my hand and wrapped it around the necklace that was dangling round my neck. A smile crept across my face at the thought of seeing Carl again. Looking into those oceans most would his eyes again was first on the list of things I needed.

My fingers flicked open the locket and the picture of Carl and I was on shown. This tiny picture was the best I was the best I was going to get for now.

I will see him again. Glenn believed he would find Maggie, I believe I will find Carl. I have to find him.

"Umm excuse me," Abraham joined the conversation. "Who's Carl?"

"Leigh's boyfriend." Glenn teasingly answered before I have the chance to.

"Uh, I don't think so! You aren't allowed a boyfriend!"

"And why not?" I protested.

"You're too young."

"These days you can't be too young for anything, by the time Judy is 3 she'll be shooting a gun like a pro and stabbing walkers left right in centre."

Glenn and Maggie were the only ones who got that, so consequently they were the only ones who laughed. "I'd like to hope by the time Judy is 3 we won't have worry about walkers." Maggie added.

"Well," Abraham spoke again. "if he is there, I'm gonna beat his ass. Show him what he'll have to deal with if he ever hurts you."

"No you are not!" I almost shouted.

"Yes I am!"

"No you aren't!" I laughed with my words. "Okay, changing the subject now! Uhhhhh... How much further do you think we have to go 'til Terminus!?"

I sprinted to the front of crowd slowly lowering it to a jog. As I came to the top of the hill another sign awaited. My smile grew a little as this one was slightly different to the rest.

"Never mind, the sign answered my question." I joked pointing to the sign as everyone traipsed to the top of the hill.

The sign read : 'Terminus. Sanctuary for all, community for all. Those who arrive, survive. 20 minutes, straight walk ahead.'

The smiles of everyone else seemed to follow after mine in growing at this sight.

Glenn looked at me. By the look on his, we had the exact same 2 words pop into both of our minds simultaneously.

"Race ya!" We both yelled as we sprinted off ahead.


Glenn and I ran, out of breath after like 5 minutes, but goofing around with him was another thing I missed from the prison. He wasn't always around but it was always fun when he was.

With Glenn and I in front we continued on our journey.

Sure enough, around 15 minutes later the large brick building came into view. 'Terminus' was written across the walls in black writing and the sweat smell of cooking meat filled the air as you got close.

We entered with smiling faces and high hopes.

As we approached the main entrance a woman stood at a grill. She looked to be in her mid-thirties with long brown hair pulled into a loose side braid. Her welcoming smile was enough to make us believe we were safe.

"Hi! I'm Mary." She introduced herself, a warm smile still plastered on her face. "Looks like you've been on the road awhile."

"We have." Maggie answered.

"Then lets get you settled and we'll make you a plate." Mary continued. "Welcome to Terminus."

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