Chapter 38 - Saved By Missal

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Abraham and Rick rushed over to join Carl, all gazing at my shoulder.

Without another word Abraham began to rip the arm of his shirt to make a bandage, and Rick stepped Carl out the way to get a closer look.

"Shit that's deep, how'd you do that?" Rick asked as he examined it. I tried to speak, but that's when I noticed the blood rushing from head and it came out as a mumble.

"She fell, must've landed on it without realising, she said she was fine when I helped her up," Carl answered for me and you could hear the slight panic in his voice.

"Has anyone got water? I'm gonna have to pull this out." Rick said as he gently guided me to sit on the floor.

He was handed water, which he used to wash the extra blood away before grabbing hold of the belt. "This is gonna hurt.." he warned.

"She's tougher than nails, don't worry" Abraham reassured as he sat waiting with his sleeve bandage ready.

I gritted my teeth. With one sharp tug, Rick pulled the buckle from me.

"FUCK!" I let out. The pain was unbelievable, instantly giving me a migraine as my shoulder burned like hell. I was quickly bandaged up, as much pressure on the wound as possible, before being given a minute to rest.

After a while, we set off through the woods, away from the burning ruins that was once Terminus. The smell of smoke was still fresh in the air.

"Right here," Daryl mumbled as Rick knelled down and began digging in the soil with a rusty old shovel left by a tree.

"What hell we still around here for?" Abraham had asked as we had all come to a stop. There was a hint a frustration stirring in his voice, clearly eager to get going.

"Guns," Rick said in his stern voice. "Some supplies. Go along the fences with the riffle, take out the rest of them."

"What?" Bob questioned

"They don't get to live."

Mean while between injured shoulder and the smoke filling my head I was finding it hard to keep balance. I stumbled on the spot, swapping from one foot to the other trying to make sure I stayed up right.

"Hey, you okay?" Carl questioned as he watched me tip from side to side.

"Yeh," I said clearly lying as not long after I stumbled straight into him.

"No you're not. Come here, sit down before you fall down." Carl grabbed the shoulder that wasn't bleeding and guided me towards a near by rock before sitting me down on it. "Anyone got any more water?"

Daryl tossed him a half full bottle out of the duffel bag Rick had just finished digging up. "She alright?" he asked as Carl opened it and passed it to me.

"She lost quite a bit of blood, probably dehydrated too." he answered. With a shaky hand I lifted it up to my mouth downed most of what was left. I felt it run through my body and the dizzy feeling started to lift.

"Rick, we got out. We can't go back." Glenn obstructed his plan.

"The fences are down, it's either run or die." Maggie added

A silence fell across us. Light foot steps were approaching from the trees behind us but before we even had time to look Daryl was running straight at them. He collided straight into the short haired woman we knew as Carol. I had almost forgotten how close they were in the prison but to watch the hug was beautiful. He squeezed her tight and lifted her off the ground. He was so happy to see her it looked almost as though he was about to cry.

Everyone was delighted to see her and to be honest all I wanted to do was run up and hug her myself but Carl insisted I stay seated.

Rick slowly walked up to her, looking at the empty missal launcher strapped over her shoulder. "Did you do that?"

Clearly Carol had blown up Terminus to save us. She nodded and Rick pulled her into a hug.

"You have to come with me." Carol said as she pulled away.

Rick nodded and signalled for us all to follow. I went to walk but Carl stopped in front of me. He turned around a squatted in front of me. "Hop on."

"Seriously?" I questioned half laughing.

"Yup, get on." I rolled my eyes and with all my might I jumped and pulled myself on to his back. He adjusted me slightly so I was secure and not leaned on my shoulder and we set off after Carol.

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