Chapter 24 - And Off Again

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With a sudden bang, I jolted up right out of my sleep. Glenn was awake and was now banging the butt of his gun against the back window of the car, as he screamed and shouted for Abraham to stop the vehicle. With one last hit, the glass cracked and the truck began to slow down.

Glenn began gathering his stuff and stormed off out the back of the truck when it came to halt. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I sure knew we were leaving. Glenn and Tara jumped down from the trunk of the truck, I slowly trailed behind, still tired. 

Abraham got out the car with his 2 companions following and began arguing with Glenn on his decision to leave. Me, being the anti-social and non-observant little bitch I am didn't listen to most of the conversation as I was too busy kicking the gravel beneath my feet.

I stared at my feet as they shoveled through the small rocks that made up the road. Paying attention was never something I was very good at. I swear it's some sort of mental issue where my attention span is significantly smaller. It's probably one of the reasons I did badly in school as it never really interested me so I never listened. I'm just a go with the flow kind of person I guess, I don't need the details.

I stood next to Tara as the distant voices of Glenn and Abe buzzed at the back of my mind. I could still hear them but I couldn't understand them, it was all just murmurs. However, sometimes my mind does this thing where it only listens to the things it wants to hear, things that catch my interest. And that's exactly what it did at this moment.  

"Eugene's a scientist..... and he knows exactly what caused this mess," Abe said straight to Glenn. My head perked up from the ground to look at Abe, then Eugene, back to Abe.

"Alright," Glenn spoke "What is it then?" he questioned. There was a moment of silence as if no one knew exactly what to say.

"It's classified," Eugene spoke out from the back of the crowd. Until now I hadn't actually heard him speak. His voice was sort of timid but really gave a kind of welcoming feel.

"We've been speaking to munkety-munks in Washington via satellite phone. Last couple weeks, no one's been picking up on the other end." Abraham continued, "We saw how you handled those corpses back on the road, we could use your help."

Glenn pondered this accusation for like 30 seconds before making up his mind, it clearly wasn't a hard decision to make. "I'm sorry," he said before walking past Abraham back up the road he was already heading up. Tara and I followed suit. 

"There's near chance you'll never find your wife again," I heard Abraham's voice call from behind us. "Alive or dead. Mainly because sorry to tell you, she's gone." This... pissed me off.... and I can tell it pissed Glenn off twice as much. He stopped and stared at the ground in front of him as Abraham walked up behind him. "No need for you to die as well."

Glenn dropped the orange duffel bag from his shoulder and it landed on the ground beside him. He stood still for a while before turning to face Abraham. Without any notice, he swung, and his fist landed on the side of Abraham's face sending him stumbling back, so far he ended up on the floor. I can't lie Glenn is damn strong. "She's alive, and I'm going to find her," Glenn said, picking up the duffel bag back off the floor and continuing to walk for the second time.

 As he walked Abraham began to pick himself off the ground. "Son of a BITCH!" he shouted as he suddenly charged for Glenn, forcefully tackling him to the ground.

There was an array of shouts from me, Tara and Rosita as Glenn and Abraham wrestled on the floor, Eugene however, was nowhere to be seen. To be honest, I didn't really care at that moment, the man who had just saved my life was being tackled by a big muscular army man. I began panicking even though I was in no harm what so ever.

Shouts filled the air as Glenn and Abraham threw punches at each other. Us girls screamed at the boys, each trying to pull them apart. Glenn somehow managed to flip Abraham over so that he was now on top of him, punching him in the chest. I tried to pull Glenn off, but he knocked me back and sent me flying back onto the ground. I sat on the gravel in shock before my attention was drawn away from the two men by gunshots that revealed Eugene's whereabouts.

 A pack of walkers surrounded Eugene, probably drawn by the shouts, and he was spinning and shooting in circles. You could tell he wasn't good with guns, but at least he was trying.

Abraham and Glenn were suddenly off the floor and running towards the truck, now snapped back to reality by the shot, shouting to Eugene to stop shooting as he was definitely shooting everything but the walkers. But of course, he didn't, he continued to shoot.

Abe, Rosita, Glenn, Tara and Leigh to the rescue!

All 5 of us ran towards the pack and began stabbing and shooting left, right, and center. Eugene, realising if he continued he would most likely hit one of us finally stopped shooting. 

After a good 5 minutes at most, we were surrounded by dead corpses. There was moment of silence where we all just stared at each other like, Is that all of them? 

Once established that it was indeed all of them, all of our eyes drifted to the truck. It was leaking. During Eugene's little shoot out he had shot the truck several times.

I rolled my eyes and went to sit in the back of the truck. I couldn't be arsed anymore. If someone was going to fix it they could do it without me, not that I'd be much help anyway.


We ended up leaving the truck. Abraham went to fix it, realised it would be merely impossible, and Glenn set off. Tara and I obviously followed, but then so did Rosita, and after Eugene persuaded Abe we were all off. 

(A/N) K... I lied these are still slow........ BUT I promise the next one will be better, I PROMISE.

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