Chapter 30 - Back Together

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"Abraham pass me a gun!" I yelled as I pelted towards him.

"What, no, we are going to Washington." He claims.

"Come on please, we have to get Glenn and Tara first." I said, reaching for one of the guns cooped up in a bag.

Abraham pulls the bag out of my reach and doesn't say a word. "Please... You and the people who were in that prison are family, I'm not leaving any behind when we are this close."

I could tell by his expression I had got through to him. "Fine," He pushed the bag back towards me. I grab a Remington 1858 and check its chamber. Full, good. "Be careful with that." I heard Abraham's voice call behind me

"I know what I'm doing. You're lucky I don't like the bigger guns that much." I replied.

After a little convincing, Abe, Rosita and Eugene all agreed to come into the tunnel with us. They figured it was getting dark and if they could clear it they could camp the night in there. Of course I got the 'If Eugene gets hurt the worlds future of corpses is on your hands' lecture from Abraham, really dampening my beaming mood, but Eugene assured he'd be fine. Once we were all armed we made our way into the tunnel.

It had to be pitch black didn't it? With the little light coming from the 3 torches Bob, Eugene and I held, we marched through the tunnel, being careful around every little noise. The groans of walkers grew loader as the little light from tunnel entrance shrank. That's when we heard the shouts.

"That's Glenn!" Maggie's worried voice broke through the echoing groans. I shone my light in the direction I picked up the shouts from. A group of walkers limping there way into a corner was all my light caught.

"Over there!" I yelled pointing my gun in the direction. Immediately after I'd spoke, bullets were escaping Maggie's gun. One by one we all began shooting every corpse that lurched the inside of the tunnel.

It was so dramatic, like something from a movie.

The smoke cleared. For the first time in what felt like an eternity Maggie's and Glenn's eyes met. They both dropped their weapons with a thump, and ran at each other. They instantly fell into a kiss.

I couldn't help but smile, their happiness was radius and contagious.

Hugs were exchanged between everyone who already knew each other, Introductions between those who didn't. My family was slowly rebuilding itself. I beamed brighter with happiness.

I just wish I had everyone, everyone from the prison, was there with us. But this, this was good enough for now.


We made sure each entrance to the tunnel was blocked and secure, made a fire and set up a mini camp in the tunnel.  

I set up a bed (meaning a sleeping bag and a tiny, tattered pillow) right by one of the walls. I don't know why but ever since I was little I had to sleep with my back to a wall.

Everyone got to talking and after a while we settled down to sleep. Of course, me being me, I was one of the first to drift off to sleep.

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