Chapter 34 - I knew it...

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They took all our belongings saying that they'd 'put them up in our rooms once they found a spot for us.' They then gave us a plate of food each and we ate in the courtyard place.

"I don't get it.." I said before taking another mouthful of food.

"Don't get what?" Glenn questioned from the opposite side of the table.

"How open they are." I replied lowering my voice. "I don't know, there could be all sorts of bad people out there and they just invite them in with open arms. This seems like such a good place, I just don't want the wrong people stumbling across it and it end up like the prison."

No one answered with words, all I got in return were murmurs of agreement.

I saw what came next by a long shot. Their mannerisms, their overly kindness, their tone of speech, it all seemed.... off. I tried to shake off the feeling but it still lingered in the back of my mind. That tiny voice that kept screaming "DON'T TRUST THEM!" buzzed right in my ear, but sounded so far away. How I wish it was right next me screaming directly in my ear from the start.

We finished eating and a man Gareth approached us. A man in his late 20s maybe with a very chiselled face.

"You lot must be the new arrivals." He said with a wide smile. "If you lot are finished here I'd like to show you to your room, we managed to get you a temporary room all together until we can find you your own rooms."

"Thank you, that's very kind of you." Maggie said.

"It's no problem really, would you like to follow me to your room?" Before we could answer he started walking in the opposite direction, so really it wasn't a question more just 'this way is your room, now follow.'

As we walked through the grounds of Terminus my eyes scanned everything. One thing I noted were the mass amount of armed people they had propped up on buildings. This wouldn't of bothered me if they were aiming out towards the walker filled forest, but no, these were pointing inside the grounds, almost as if at us.

We were led round several corners until we reached back lane near the edge of the sanctuary. Nothing stood there but a bright red train car labelled 'A' in white paint.

He ushered us over to it and that voice felt as though it was running up behind me, trying to catch up with me with all it's might, but no one else seemed to see any problem with it. So again, I shrugged it off.

"In here for now," Gareth said, but unlike any other time he spoke with a very welcoming tone, his voice came out almost cold.

One by one we piled into the dark train car and I was the last in.

I jumped as the heavy door was slammed behind me. I span on my heals and ran back towards the iron when the sound of locks echoed off the metal walls.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?" Abraham's voice rang through the air. No response.

I turned back to face the group when I took in the contents of the train car.


Nothing but the people who were now locked in it.

The voice was now sitting in my ear canal as panic set in. Panic, but more so anger.

"I knew it." My quiet shaky voice was barely audible until I began to shout. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!"

I ran my fingers through my hair and gripped my scalp. I felt a panic attack building in my chest. I chose to ignore that shit and act on the rage bubble forming twice it's size.

"I KNEW IT! NOTHING WOULD EVER BE THIS GOOD! YOU SICK PEOPLE GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! ONE PLACE! ALL I WANT IS ONE PLACE TO BE GOOD! NOTHING IS EVER GOOD! YOU FUCKING SHIT HEADS! One thing... just let us have one nice thing." My breath heavy and tears streaming down my face, my anger was shrinking but panic was rapidly growing.

My foot felt hot as I was continuously kicking the metal of the door as I screamed.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from the door before I broke my foot. Abraham sat me on the ground in the corner. "We're getting out of this... now calm down, Ok?" The softest voice he could manage was spoken to me as I buried my damp eyes in my knees.

One fucking place. Why can't one place be good?

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