Chapter 26 - Bad dreams

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"Wait.... what!?" I heard a voice call from behind me but I didn't turn to face them. It's not that I didn't want to, it's that I couldn't. I just couldn't move. I didn't know how to feel. I guess most would be happy but I just couldn't wrap my head around this

"You two are siblings?" Tara's voice called again.

"All evidence points towards it," Abraham said. His arms still lingered on my upper-arms and I still didn't move.

"Now that I think of it, you two are very similar, in looks and personality," Glenn spoke. I laughed lightly, considering Glenn's only interaction with Abraham ended in a fistfight. This bitch just called me out.

"Yes, but this little lassie has been blessed with our mother's eyes. The brightest green I've ever seen." Abraham pointed out, starring into my eyes.

I didn't stare back. The only thing I could move were my eyes. They darted everywhere they could reach like a rat being chased. I felt them begin to tear again which came hand in hand with my breath starting to quicken. Within seconds my whole body became limp and I fell to the ground. With only a second more consciousness to hear rushing feet heading towards me everything went blank.


"LEIGH WHERE ARE YOU?" Lucas shouted as he started to slow down from his sprint.

"I'm right here, don't worry," I replied to my brother calmly as I came out from behind a tree.

"Is Tony Ok?" he asked, taking a step closer to me.

"Yeh he's fine." The baby wriggled in my arms, clutching my shirt in his hands. "Do you think we lost them?"

"Yeh they got distracted by a gunshot that came from over there," he pointed off to the right as he replied.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

Lucas didn't have a chance to reply. Tony's small babbles started to become cries.

"No no... please not now....." I said bouncing him in my arms trying to get him to stop.

Moans began to seep through the trees getting loader as they approached. "Leigh, we gotta go." And with a nod of approval from me we set off in sprint again.

We ran, dodging every one of those things we came across. I looked back to see if any were following us and ended up colliding with something. I thought it was a tree until it began to move with me as I stumbled back.

"Shit!" I mumbled as I turned to see it's decaying face starring back at me.

Before I could even begin to turn its rotting hand grabbed Tony. I tried with all my might to pull him away but the dead alive things are a lot stronger than they look. With one tug my brother was ripped straight out of my arms.

"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tried to grab him back but the bastards yellow teeth were already sinking into his flesh.

Tony's screams of sheer pain ringed in my ears even after they'd stopped. Tears streamed down my face as I watched in shock as my baby brother was torn apart by bare teeth.


"Leigh!" I woke to Abraham's voice.  I lay in his arms tears streaming down my face. "You were screaming in your sleep." He said as he let me down from his arms, he kept hold of my shoulders while I found my balance.

Once I found my balance I began to wipe the tears from my cheeks but more just kept falling.

"Leigh, what did you dream?" Abraham asked. My reply was simply a shake of my head. "You said 'Tony' before you started screaming. Who's that?"

"Little brother..." I mumbled quietly in between breaths. Those were the only 2 words I could produce from that question.

"I have another brother?" Abraham asked, curiosity building in his voice.


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