Chapter 25 - Family

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Lost in my own little world, I began walking slower and slower. I kicked the gravel as I did, my boots becoming more grey as the dust gathered at the toes. Once I actually came back to reality I realised I had trailed off to the back of the crowd and was now walking alongside Abraham. He still seemed annoyed but he would get over it.

"Hey there darling," Abraham said looking down on me, probably trying to get his mind off everything that just happened.

"Hey," I answered looking up to meet his eyes for a split second before starring down at my feet. We were walking on a train track knowing full well a train wasn't going to hit us. I balanced on the edge of the track trying to entertain myself. As I spread out my arms trying to keep balance Abe started talking again.

"You're a tough girl you know that. Not many kids your age survive out here," he commented, I didn't know whether to feel flattered or offended.

"I've been out on my own but I would probably be dead if it wasn't for Glenn and the rest of the group that took me in."

"But you clearly know how to handle yourself, as you've shown. What do I call you solider." I giggled at 'solider'. If anything I was the furthest thing away from a solider.

"Leigh-Anne Abby Ford at your service sir." I joked, jumping off the edge off the track and doing an army solute with my hand.

Abraham let out a small laugh but then actually took in my name. "My last name is Ford too," he said lifting up the corners of his mouth into a slight smile. "I hate it though, it was my father's last name."

Our smiles faded and I went back to staring at the floor. "Same..." I let out quietly, but still loud enough for him to hear.

"My father is the reason I left home 15 years ago and joined the army. I still feel bad about it though, leaving mother just before she gave birth to my baby... sister...." Abraham's sentence slowed as he came to finish. But then he stopped walking altogether, causing me to stop curiously. "How old are you?" Abraham asked looking me dead in the eyes.

"15.." I answered. Then it hit me. '15 years ago' 'just before she gave birth to my baby sister' it all hit me like a ton of bricks thrown at me way too fucking fast. "Wait......"

At this point, everyone else had stopped to see what the hold up was. With everyone now watching Abraham crouched to my level and gently grabbed hold of both my shoulders. "Did you have an older brother....?" he asked softly but loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"Yeh....." I answered slowly. My heart was racing.

"His name?" he continued to question.


"Mother's name?"


"Father's name?"


That tone of bricks became ten large boulders, crushing me into the earth. I couldn't help it. Tears began to fall and I pulled away from Abraham without realising.

"What's wrong?" Abraham asked reaching out again to rest his hands on my upper-arms

"I..... I'm just... overwhelmed... fucking hell" I let out through my slight sobs.

"Yeah, I'm sure this is a whole lot to take in. At least I knew you existed somewhere, I'm sure you were raised without the knowledge of me," I nodded, not being able to muster any more words but he was absolutely right.

I felt the eyes of everyone else on the back of my neck but I didn't care. My mind was going wild trying to comprehend all that just happened in the span of 3 minutes. Abraham was my brother, I was his sister. I had family left, biological family.

This is mad.

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