Chapter 16 - Attack By Sickness

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(A/N) !SPOILERS! Right, so this story is about to start following the story line of the show. So I would advise if  you don't want spoilers not to read on. This chapter takes place around S4 E2, so if you've watched past that you're good to go. Unless you don't watch the show at all and are just reading this for fun, READ ON MY FRIEND!


Everything was great. Life was pretty much the best it could've been at that dreaded time of life. I got along quite well with everyone, especially Glenn and Daryl (and Carl.... but I think that's obvious). Some thing between us just clicked. Everyone there was like my family. I couldn't imagine my life without all the people I had met in that prison. I somewhat loved life even though I knew it would most likely never go back to the way it was. Everything was great.

That was until Patrick got it.

I will admit I don't know the whole story. All I know is that Patrick came down with this sickness virus thing that he got from the pigs (we think). This virus could kill you over night..... well technically it's not the virus it's the symptoms but whatever. So Patrick caught it (so did a guy called Charlie but I'm not too sure I knew him at all) and somewhat plagued Cell block D. By that I mean he died, turned, bit a person, they turned, they bit a person, they turned, so on so on. It took the whole prison by surprise.

When it happened, Beth and I were looking after Judith. It was quiet. Judith had just about nodded off to sleep. She was peacefully tucked up in her little crib. If anything it was the most peaceful moment I'd had in a long time.


Suddenly the first gun shot rang.


The next hardly a second after.

They repeated over and over.


Beth and I sat shocked for a second, but were snapped out of it the second we heard the baby's cry.

Our sharp eyes darted at one another's and we rushed off in separate directions.

Beth instantly went for Judith, doing anything she could to calm her down over the screams and gun shots.

I rushed straight out of the cell to the main room of the Cell block. My eyes scanned the room looking for the keys. When I noticed them they were lying on a table near the door. I sprinted over, almost tripping over everything that was remotely in my way, and swiped the keys.

I ran back to the cell, grabbing a small hand gun as I ran past.

The stiff, heavy gate of the cell hadn't been moved for so long it took Beth and I both to close it. I locked door and sat on the floor.

My hands were shaking, my heavy breath was hardly heard under the terrifying sounds of guns and screams. I could feel that another panic attack was rising in my chest, yet I stayed focused and tried not to break down completely.

I fiddled with the gun, drowning out the sounds.

"Why do you have a gun?" Beth said loudly, leaning over my shoulder.

"In case we are being attacked..." I replied as I turned to look at her petrified face. She quickly nodded and went back to pacing  the floor with Judith screaming down her ear.

I don't know why I thought we were being attacked. I guess I just thought, gun fire + screaming = attacked.

The shots continued for a few minutes but slowly started to become less frequent, then they completely stopped. So did the screams. It was as if someone had hit a mute button on them. Except there was still a screaming baby behind me.

Thoughts starting rushing through my head.

What happened? Is everyone OK? Are they dead? Oh PLEASE don't be dead! What am I going to do if they are dead? I can't live without them. I cant live without Glenn, Daryl, Maggie, Rick, Carol, Hershel, CARL!

I had to stop myself before I jumped to anymore conclusions.

I took a deep breathe and lifted my self from my spot on the floor. I grabbed the keys and went unlock the bars.

"Uhhh Leigh," Beth said hesitantly, but I shook her off and continued.

Once the door was wide open I raised my gun in front of me and proceeded to walk forward. But the second I had one foot out the door, I heard a voice call for me

"Leigh?" It came from out the main gate of the Cell block.

I lowered my gun slightly and jogged out to the middle of the room. When I turned to face the door I was pointing my gun at Carl.

A wave of relief flew over mine and his face.

"Thank fuck..."

I dropped my gun and it fell to the ground with a "clank".

With out warning I fell into a full on sprint. I ran straight at Carl and ended up in his arms. I squeezed him so tight I couldn't feel him breath. But he still seemed happy.

Thank fuck you're not dead.

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