Chapter 29 - Uproars and Reunited

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With Rosita driving and Eugene in shotgun giving directions, that left me and Abraham in the back.

You know, at first I struggled to believe me and Abraham were related. He likes to take control, where I prefer to hang in the background. I drift off into my own little world to escape, where he stays focused and sufficient. But then, I realised how lazy he could be. Sure he wants to get things done, but at every opportunity he likes to stop and take a break and the second we got into that old van, Eugene asked him to go to sleep, and he did so in a matter of minutes. And to be honest, I'd normally do the exactly the same.

Except for right now.

Right now I was to anxious to see if what Eugene had told me was the truth.

Eugene and Rosita were arguing about something in the front seats. Of course, I wasn't paying attention.

Well, until Eugene shouted, "Stop the van!"

"Why are we stopping?" Rosita questioned but still doing as she was instructed. Rosita muttered something under her breath before calling out again. "Ugghh Liar!"

"Nope." This simplest answer to anything I'd ever heard from Eugene.

"This wasn't your plan?" Rosita continued. "Why you insisted on navigating, and why you told him to go to sleep." She claimed, pointing behind her at Abraham.

"Nope, I never claimed otherwise. And how about you apologise for the slander and we call it square."

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"If Glenn and Tara were still alive in there with no significant delays and they continued travelling at approximately 3 miles per hour and I timed it correctly in my head, they might be somewhere around here." I couldn't help but smile. We might not be loosing them.

"Those two are not priority," Rosita argued, downing my smile. "The only priority is getting you to Washington."

"After I save the world, I still have to live with myself." Eugene shot back. "I'm not leaving them behind."

Eugene pulled back his seat, slamming it down onto Abraham, waking him up with a start. I couldn't help the giggling that escaped me.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Abraham screamed, as I giggled a little more. "Why the hell have we stopped?"

"If they made out that tunnel, they'd be somewhere around here." Eugene explained.

"You're kidding me right? What is your problem?" Abraham turned his attention to Rosita.

"My problem?" She questioned.

"You're the one in the drivers seat. You put your foot on the break."

"He told me to stop!"

Que uproar of shouts that filled the car. I just looked out the window in hope Glenn and Tara would come.

But the people who came round the corner sent my heart into backflips.

"MAGGIE!" I stopped the shouting for sure as I tumbled at the car and ran straight for the woman we've been looking for, for days straight.

"Leigh?!" Maggie questioned, before crouching down to meet my height as I ran at her, straight into a hug. I pulled out and hugged Sasha and Bob, who she was still with. I didn't speak to them much in the prison, we were more acquaintances than friends but I was still happy to see them, the more people alive the better.

"Oh my god, Glenn's back in that tunnel you just came out of, we were following the signs you left and-"

"Wait Glenn's back in that tunnel? How do you know?" Maggie asked, cutting me off.

"I've been with him this whole time."

"Why aren't you with him now?"

"Long story short, met a man who can save the world and my brother I didn't know I had and the save the world man said to go with them around the tunnel while Glenn and Tara went in to find you. We thought we'd meet them on the other side around here but instead we found you 3."

"Wait what? Who can save the world? What do you mean brother? Who's Tara?"

"I'll explain later, we have to get Glenn." I said bolting off back to the car.

A/N ~ Ok so I know this is kind of slow right now but I promise it'll get better just give it a bit of time XD. Anyway I hope you're enjoying this, I'm starting to write a lot more lately so you should be getting updates more often. YAY!

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