Chapter 3 - What If?

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I rolled over onto my back and lay there like a star fish on the ground. Something warm and wet ran down from my nose to my cheek. I wiped the unmistakable liquid of blood from my face with the back of my hand.

I sat up and instantly regretted it. My head suddenly felt light and dizzy, and and my stomach churned with the result of feeling heavily nauseous. But I couldn't just lay there though, I had to keep moving at all times.

Then I remembered the prison. The children. The laughing. The civilisation. Did I imagine it?

I sat there trying hard to remember exactly what I saw, but that's not exactly easy to do when you feel like the world is spinning around you.

Did I imagine it?.... Only one way to find out I guess....

I slowly lifted myself off the ground and instantly felt like I was about to fall again. I grabbed onto the tree trunk and stood there, watching the world spin for around 5 minutes.

Once my vision had steadied and I didn't feel light headed anymore, I started off in the direction in what I believed the prison was in.

I kept walking in that direction, hoping to God there wouldn't be a group of things that way. Fortunately there wasn't. Just a few stragglers roaming on their own.

It felt like I was walking for hours. My feet felt like they had fallen to sleep. But I had to keeping going. This was the first time in weeks I've had some sort of hope that kept me going.

What if they were just more of them things? What if I'm just that desperate, I imagined a place where I could go? What if I'm just leading myself into a trap?
What if I didn't imagine it? What if it was a safe place, with food, a place to sleep, nice people to keep me company?

Finally, I looked up to see the prison standing ahead of me. I gazed at it in amazement. It was surrounded by those things, trying to claw their way through the metal gates. However, there were definitely none inside.

Shit.... How do I get in without being noticed?

I realised if I stood where I was all day, trying to figure out how to get around them and in safely, I'd be eaten alive sooner or later. So I went for it.

I speed walked toward the main entrance quietly. I'd travelled half way through the green field around the prison before hearing a - way to loud for my liking - growl.

I grabbed my knife from my belt and spun round on the ball of my foot. And there it was, right in front of me. Snapping its teeth inches away from my nose.

It placed its rotting hand on my shoulder and tried to pull me in closer to it. It stared deep into my green eyes with it yellow, cloudy ones.

Just before it could take a chunk out of my face, I lifted my leg and sent my foot hard into it's chest, sending it backward about a foot.

I took my knife and stabbed the thing through the forehead and panted as it fell to the ground.

I turned back to the group of creatures pushing each other against the gate. As if on cue, they all turned their heads towards me.


At that moment everything went into slow motion. They started limping towards me, falling over each other trying to be the first to their meal. I stood for a moment in shock.

Eventually but just in time to save my ass, reality hit me square round the face. I turned and bolted towards the wooden door at the entrance.

It was surrounded by sharpened wooden sticks, I'm guessing to catch the things on if they tried to get close. In fact, the door looked like it was hand made as well.

As I ran, I looked behind me. Damn, those things are fast.

I practically bumped into the door because I was checking my back the whole time.

Desperately, I jumped up trying to reach the top of the wood. It took me several tries, as well as many blisters to my hands, but I managed to hook my finger over the top of the door.

Due to my lack of upper body strength, I was dangling there, trying to pull myself up, with those things gradually getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, I was somehow able to lift myself up. Don't ask me how. I'm guessing God just felt sorry for me.

I hooked one leg over but was almost pulled straight back down.

One of the creatures had clung onto my leg. I screamed out. There was no point trying to be quiet anymore.

"GET. OFF. ME. YOU. BASTARD!" I called. With each word I kicked my leg in distress, and eventually hit it right in the forehead with the soul of my boot.

It loosened its grip and fell to the ground, taking 3 of its buddies down with it.

Before anything else could grab onto me, I swung my other leg over the door. I jumped down, hitting my feet off the ground hard.

I limped round in relief, but stumbled back when I saw what was in front of me.

A boy, around my age, pointing a riffle at me through another fence.

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