Chapter 39 - The Last Page

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My head was resting on Carl as he carried me up what seemed like a mile high hill. My arms wrapped around the front of him, holding onto him as tightly as possible, appreciating every second I got with him.

As we walked we shared the stories of where we ended up after the prison. Carl had made it out with his dad, met Michonne and Daryl by fate and made their way for Terminus, falling for the same lies on the signs we had. Carl was more interested in my story than his own. He was finding it difficult to comprehend Abraham and I being related but to be honest I did too at first.

"Are you sure I'm not heavy?" I asked Carl, hoping he wasn't secretly struggling.

"No, if anything you're too light." Carl lightly bobbed me up and down on his back to prove it was no hassle.

The curve at the top of the hill was growing nearer and nearer. The sun, originally blocked by the almost mountain, slowly began to creep over the top.

Finally, upon reaching the top, we set our tired eyes on an old wooden shack. It was no way big enough to be a full house as it barely looked like the size of a living room, more of a back garden shed used for old tools and shit no one wanted in the actual house. The light coat of paint was chipping away to reveal a dark wood, punctured at every metre with a gaping hole. Surrounding it was an array of dead walkers and looking as though they had been killed by hand, with no weapons.

As we got closer the old door opened and a dark skinned man exited the 'building'. His broad structure, yet friendly face made him easily recognisable as Tyreese, Sasha's older brother. However, in his arms he cradled a small baby. The question of who this was (although it was quite obvious anyway) was answered when Rick dropped everything and began running straight towards them.

I could feel Carl shaking with excitement underneath me. I loosened my grip around him before tapping on the shoulder and saying, "Put me down, go!". He lightly dropped me before running after his dad towards his baby sister. Daryl came to my side, resting his hand on my good shoulder to make sure I was okay. Despite finding a blood related brother, Daryl was and always will be my big brother too.

Sasha ran past to meet Tyreese, but everyone else gave them their moments and lingered behind, slowly making our way towards them.

A smile spread across our faces as we watched families reunite and hope was reassured.


So here we are.

I've been recalling every step of this journey in this book to simply pass time. With no phones, or any electricity for that matter, we result to mundane things to fill the empty time.

Although I will admit, reliving and writing down moments in this life have helped me appreciate them much more. I'd love to continue writing but I have about a page left so I need to wrap this up.

So as I sit here, with my new found family, whether they're blood or not, I guess you could say we're Somewhat Safe

(Also Judy kept trying to grab my pen so Carl had to take her away. She's now upset and I feel bad. Oh, and Carl says hi. Ok I'm gonna go give Judith the pen to make her feel better, BYE!)

(A/N) So yeh! That's the end of this story. I have really enjoyed writing this though! I'm going to start some new stories but maybe if people want it I'll make a sequel. But anyway I hope you enjoyed and tell me what ya thought! LOVES YAAAS!

- CJ💓

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