Chapter 18 - Surprise

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I found it very hard to sleep down in quarantine. But one night I managed to fall asleep in the comfort and warmth of Carl's arms. Who needs a radiator when you have a Carl.

When I opened my eyes in the morning Carl wasn't there anymore. I knew he was most likely with his dad or something.

I pushed myself up from my sleeping position and lent back against the wall and let my eyes adjust to the morning light. Once I could actually open my eyes without feeling like I was being blinded, something caught my eye.

I got out of my blanket and crawled over to the corner of the room, where sat a small box with a piece of paper that read my name.

Confusion and curiosity running through my head, I picked up the piece of paper and flipped over. Scrawled on the back was a note.

"Leigh, you probably don't even remember but it's your birthday (SURPRISE) you're officially 15, the same age as me. So.... I decided I needed a gift for you. So I sent Michonne on a mission, and she found this. So technically it's from Michonne as well. But yh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOU!              Carl x"

I giggled at his words. I set the note aside and picked up the small box. It wasn't a very fancy box. I didn't care though, I was shocked that he had even got me a gift.

I opened the box and instantly burst out into tears.

In the box sat a small, silver heart-shaped locket with a beautiful flower pattern carved into the front. It was scratched as shit but I really didn't care.

Tears streamed down my face as I clutched my present in my hand and held it to my heart. I sat down, crossed my legs, and stared straight ahead at that fucking wall. I don't know how long I stayed like that but I know I didn't move for a while, struck from awe.

I finally moved when the door opened and Carl stood in the doorway. I smiled through my tears. Carl lifted one corner of his mouth and looked at the floor as he twisted his foot on the spot.

Suddenly, I leaped off the floor and ran at Carl, almost knocking him off his feet as I wrapped my arms around his neck, still clutching the locket. After getting his balance back, he returned my hug and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you, Carl Grimes. I love you, so fucking much."

A/N I know it's really short.... sorry. Anywaaaayyy I hope you enjoyed.

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