Chapter 27 - Walking

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We just walked. That's all we did. Walk. For days straight all we did was walk. I guess it wasn't all bad though, getting to know my brother was a good way to stay entertained.

Abraham may look as tough as nails but he is truly one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. His sense of humour is my favourite thing about him. And if I'm completely honest, the only time I did smile during that time was when I was talking to him. It felt like I had known him my entire life, like he'd been around the whole time.

I told him how we lost Mom and Dad in a crowd. How Lucas died. How Tony died. It seemed to calm me; talking about it. It made what happened almost seem like a story. Of course, I knew it was reality, I didn't make it all up, but talking about it more made it easier to think about.

I continued to tell him of how I came to find the prison, and I came to a realisation as I told him. I'd like to thank that squirrel for being on that branch at the moment I walked passed it. If it hadn't of been there I would walked straight past the prison. I wouldn't have met Carl or anyone else in that prison, and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. Sure I might've been able to survive on my own but they still saved me. I thought I was worthless; a weak child who was somehow still alive, and I was slowly loosing sight of living. But being in that prison, being with those people, told me otherwise. They told me to keep fighting because it does get better. So, thank you, Mr Squirrel.

Of course I didn't make all our conversations about me, I hate talking about myself all the time. Abraham told me how he joined the army after leaving home. He spoke about how he lost his wife and kids. And then how he came to meet Eugene and Rosita. He was constantly loosing groups on their way to Washington and it always somehow ended up with them 3 being left.

Abraham and I wasted all the time of walking, just talking, until we starting seeing the signs.

'Terminus. Sanctuary for all, community for all. Those who arrive, survive'

There was a map attached to the sign with several paths all leading to this place, 'Terminus'. Everyone was weary about it at first. We had learnt that not everyone can be trusted. That was until one sign had an extra message written under it. 'Glenn. Go to Terminus. - Maggie, Sasha, Bob.'

Glenn's eyes lit up, and within seconds of reading it he started sprinting down the tracks we were following (we were heading towards Terminus anyway because...... where else was there?).

Glee was clearly shown on everyone's face. At least now we knew what we were doing wasn't just a shot in the dark. There was actually proof that all this walking wasn't just a waste of time. We had a real trail on Maggie, and if the signs tell the truth, a place for us all to live. I was almost certain if anyone else from the prison saw these signs, they'd head there too. Daryl, Beth, Rick, Carol, Carl. If they all saw these they'd head there too, in hope we would all be there waiting for them, which we would.

Even though it meant even more walking, I was fine with it. If it meant finding everyone I'd grown to love like family, I was all for it.

(A/N) Soooooo who likes the last few chapters?? Sorry not much happened in this one but I hope you're still enjoying these. HUGS FOR EVERYONE :D

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