Chapter 13 - Safe Now

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I woke up tucked up nicely in my bed. Carl must of realised I was asleep and tucked me in. That must of been easy seeing as I'm a very heavy sleeper.

I lifted my self from my bed and got ready for the day ahead.

I got changed and decided to leave my knife belt in my cell because I didn't see any reason to use them. Not like I was gonna run into any danger inside the gates.

I made my way down to the courtyard to have breakfast with the rest of the group. I grabbed a plate of food and sat down next to Carl, mainly because he was the only person I was actually 'friends'. I guess I got along with Beth and Carol but still...

"Hello asshole," Carl greeted me, chuckling as he spoke.

"Shut up," I muttered, playfully hitting Carl on the shoulder.

"Oh yeh, dad asked if you wanted to come on a run with us and Daryl later. You seem like a tough girl and he just wants to see how capable you are out there." He asked and nodded in the direction of the front gate.

"Well I was out there on my own for I don't how long so I think I'll be OK." I replied taking another bite of my breakfast.

We sat chatting and eating for a while and then I set off back to our cell.

I threw on my leather jacket and grabbed my knives, slinging them over my arm, too lazy to clip them around my waste yet.

I walked down the stairs to see Beth feeding Judith her bottle.

"Hey, let me take over. Go get breakfast." I insisted, placing my knives down on the table.

"OK, thank you." She replied kindly, handing the baby and the bottle over to me.

I sat on the table and assisted Judy. She was eager to hold the bottle herself, which she did, i just made sure she didn't drop it. She drank from it until all that was left in the bottle was the bit of formula that didn't mix properly.

I was stood up and paced the room patting the baby's back, when Carl walked in.

"You ready to go?" he asked

"Yeh one sec let--"

"I'll take care of Judith 'til Beth comes back, you go on that run. We need formula for her anyway." I was cut off by Carol, who had on cue come out from one of the cells.

"Okie dokie." I said smiling and handing Judith over to Carol.

I clipped on my knife belt, grabbed the largest bag I could find and followed Carl out to the front gate to meet his dad.

"I CALL SHOTGUN!" Carl shouted to his dad as he closed the front gate behind us.

"Nope, already called it." The redneck I know as Daryl said with a southern drawl, leaning his head out the window.

Carl sighed in disappointment and climbed into the back of the car with me.

We drove for about an hour, and I pretty much stared out the window the whole time. I couldn't get used to just passing by walkers. I'd never travelled by car and on foot it's a lot harder to just ignore them, you'd end up dead.

When we finally stopped, we were pulled up outside a rather large superstore. The sign had fallen off so I couldn't tell you what one.

We stepped out of the car. Rick started giving orders of what we should do when him and Daryl made sure it was clear in there. I only paid attention to what I had to do.

"Leigh, you look for everything the girls need since you actually know what would be useful and where to find them." He commanded handing me a piece of paper with list of stuff I needed to get.

"Oh, Leigh," Rick called before we went into the store. I spun around on my heels to see him holding out a gun. It was a simple handgun, I couldn't tell you the exact kind. "It's yours now." He said placing it in my hand. "But only fire if you need to."

I nodded and placed in the empty pocket of my belt. It actually fit perfectly.

Carl and I stayed back while Rick and Daryl made sure the store was clear. Once it was, we all entered splitting off in different directions to get the things assigned to us.

I found the female hygiene aisle and started stuffing my bag with as much as it could carry.

I was also told - as well as everyone else - aside from our main focuses to grab anything that we might need or looks useful. Therefore I started wondering up and down the aisles.

I had gone through around 5 aisles but I didn't really find anything of use. There were a few canned foods that I grabbed but that was pretty much it.

Realising there wasn't going to be anything else important, I started heading back to the group when I tripped.

Over what I don't know, but what I do know is I tripped and fell into a door that opened as I made contact with it.

The groans echoed in my ears

My body filled with fear as opened my eyes to a couple dozen walkers staring right back at me.

"SHIT!" I cried out scrambling on the floor.

My hand went straight for the gun. What is a knife gonna do when there's this many.

I shot the first one before moving backwards making sure it didn't fall on me.

I kept shooting, tears streaming down my face. My aim was the furthest thing from good as my whole body shook as I scrambled backwards.

I shot and shot until there was nothing left to shoot.

My back hit a wall and I was cornered.

There were still too many for me to handle.

I'm done for... This is where I die.

I curled up into a ball. Gun shots and groans echoed around me.

I was completely certain I was going to die..... Until.... The noises stopped.

All that could be herd were my cries of fear.

"Leigh?" A voice spoke.

I looked up to see Carl, standing in the middle of a dead walker floor.

I breathed heavily, still crying hysterically.

Carl walked over to me and lifted me up from the ground, pulling me into a hug straight after.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his chest.

"Leigh.... Its OK..." He spoke over my muffled sobs. "Its OK..... Your safe now..."

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