Chapter 32 - Terminus awaits.

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I must of fallen to sleep in Abraham's arms because in what felt like a space of 10 seconds I had woken up on my sleeping bag. Trying to get me in it must of been too much of hassle, so I was nicely placed on top with any spare blankets thrown over me so I wouldn't freeze. Again, me being the heaviest sleeper probably known to man, I didn't feel a thing.

Through my stiff bones and squinted eyes I managed to sit myself up and look around. It was still quite dark, (being in the middle of a tunnel it obviously would be) but the burning fires and the very minimal light seeping in from outside was enough to make out everything around me.

Everyone but Glenn was awake. To be honest, seeing the sleeping Korean was a rare sight for me. I really don't think he'd slept since we first met Abraham, which wasn't voluntary. He always offered to be on watch, always wanted to look for anything that could get him closer to Maggie. Now that he'd found her, now that his primary mission was succeeded, he could rest.

"Good morning little sister." Abraham's voice broke the silence. "Did you sleep better this time?"

That's when the night before's events came back into the picture. My eye's drifted to the floor. I tried to shake off the thought but it was filling my mind faster that liquid can fill a glass.

Abraham's boots came into my line of sight and I looked up to meet his face. His arm was stretched out, waiting for me to take it.

I placed my hand in his and he pulled me to my feet. It didn't take long for me to find my balance.

"Get some food and pack up, we're leaving for Terminus as soon as lazy bones over there gets up." Abraham joked, gesturing to Glenn who was curled up on the opposite side of the tunnel.

"Terminus?" I questioned through a tired but confused voice. "What about Washington?"

"You and your selective hearing." Abraham smirked as he noted my knack to only listen when I'm interested. "Eugene thinks Terminus could be a good place to stock up on supplies and maybe even recruit some willing survivors to tag along. Plus, your people believe others from that prison of yours could be there."

"Oh, okay... Yeh.... makes sense."

I walked over to the fire where 2 cans of food lay cooked and uneaten. I figured these were mine and Glenn's. My superstition was confirmed when Maggie picked up the can of cooked pinapple and handed it to me.

Her smile was something I never thought I'd miss as much as I did. "You used to stock your plate with this stuff whenever we found any at the prison, I figured you'd want the last can of it." she said as she handed me a plastic fork.

I seated myself next to her and we caught up as I ate. After I was done, I packed my things and waited until we were all ready to leave.

Waking Glenn up was the most fun I'd had done in ages. He was still sound asleep and everyone else was ready to leave. Maggie asked me to wake him up. Bad mistake.

I grabbed 2 empty cans and started banging them together like symbols. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! GIVE YOURSELF A SHAKE UP! GET YOUR BODY MOVING! REACH UP! JUMP UP! GIVE YOUR FRIENDS A THUMBS UP! IT'S ANOTHER NEW DAY!" I chanted as I ran round in circles.

"I'm up...I'm up." Glenn's voice rang making me silence my song as he rolled over and sat up. Laughter came from the others as I helped Glenn up. "Why'd you have be so noisy, a simple 'get up' would've been nice."

"Where's the fun in that?" I giggled.


We left the tunnel and walked. Nothing interesting for miles. And almost 0 walkers, lucky us.

"Are you going to tell me what last night was about then?" Abraham sprung up without warning, taking me off guard.

"I.... really don't want to talk about it." My answer was probably expected as there was no further questioning. From Abraham that is.

"Abe?" I said, looking up at him.


"Why did you leave home?"


"Was it because of dad?"

"Was he still like that?"

I didn't answer. My silence was enough of an answer.

Abraham pulled me into a side hug as we walked. His strong but caring hand lingered on my upper arm as we trailed behind the others.

Terminus awaited.

(A/N) Yes I realised how bad this chapter is but..... I don't have a but.... I'm sorry.... I hope you're still enjoying though. Oh, please tell me someone knows the wake up song! XD

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