Chapter 28 - Goodbye For Now

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Step after step. Track after track. Sign after sign. It felt like it was going on for years, when in truth we had only been walking for about a day. But the thing that kept us going is that every step we took we were gaining on Maggie, Sasha and Bob.

We were still on the train track and to pass time I had took to trying to become a balancing act. I lagged behind everyone quite as all my focus had drifted far off into the clouds, Abraham had to keep snapping me back and telling me to catch up before I lost them all together. He actually picked me up off the ground and carried me for a good hour after he got tired of telling me to hurry up, I wasn't complaining though, gave my feet a rest.

When I was finally put back on the ground everyone had stopped. We were stood outside a large tunnel with another message written on a wall near it. 'Glenn go to Terminus - Maggie, Sasha and Bob'

The only thing that separates this one from the rest was that the blood it was written in was still wet.

The blood was still wet.

We were getting closer.

We were gaining on them!

This wasn't for nothing!

Only one problem, from within the tunnel, snarls and growls echoed off the walls. If we went through there we were to be bombarded by walkers at any moment.

"How 'bout around?" Abraham asked.

"No," Glenn replied, "that'll take a day, maybe more."

"Well we aren't going in there." I said, gesturing towards the tunnel.

"We're gonna have to-" Glenn started, but was cut off by Abraham.

"Shut up a second." he spoke, walking closer to him, "That there, is a long, dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses. I don't have full-on certainty that I can get Eugene through there alive." Of coarse all he wants is Eugene alive, you know, lets forget about his little sister and girlfriend standing right next him. Rosita must of thought the same as we exchanged looks, rolling our eyes as he continues. "My recommendation would be take the day, make the detour and play it safe but I know you're not gonna do that. So this where we've gotta part ways."

"What?!" My eyes widened turning from Abe to Glenn then back to Abe. "You mean split up?"

"Sorry, you're on your own."

"What, no!" I argued "We can't! I can't!"

"Leigh..." Glenn walked over to me and got on one knee. He rested his hands on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes as he continued. "Go with your brother, you don't have to follow me. For the longest time you thought your family was dead, I'm not going to take that away from you."

My eyes began to tear up. "I.. But you.. You've been there for me for so long, I can't just leave you."

Tears fell from my face. "Please, come with us we can still catch up to them, you don't have to-"

"Leigh, I do have to, you know I do, it's Maggie... Just go, we'll see each other again."

"But what if we don't"

"You will." Eugene's voice came from the back of the crowd.

He came over to me and whispered something in my ear. My heart lit up at the words. I looked at Abraham as a confused look spread across his face, wanting to know what was said.. but he'd have to live in blissful ignorance for now.

"Glenn," I said. I looked at him nervously, before lunging at him into a hug. "Stay safe, don't die."

"I won't, I promise."

I smiled as I pulled out of the hug. Tara and I exchanged hugs and they made there way into the tunnel. I was scared. Scared I would never see them again, but I had to trust they knew what they were doing and that they'd get out of there alive.

Eugene, Rosita, Abraham and I all piled into a car that we found and made off away from the tunnel.

A/N - Sorry I haven't posted in so long...... Oooops

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