Chapter 22 - AM General M-939

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"Did you see if any of my people got out?" Glenn asked as we walked.

"All I saw was my sister in that field," the woman replied. The devastation in her voice drew my eyes towards her. It was then I realised she wasn't from the prison. I recognised the short ponytails, she was on the governors side. "She wasn't supposed to be there. She had a gun but.... they just swarmed her. She wasn't supposed to be there..." I watched as her face morphed into regret and pain. "I did it for him, I trusted him. Then he killed that old man."

Glenn stopped walking. "Hershel?" He spoke, a very slight shakiness in his voice. "Was his name Hershel?"

I felt my eyes begin to burn again. I tried to stay strong but tears began to fall before I could stop them. Through my blurred vision, I saw the girl turn to face Glenn then nod hesitantly. Glenn must have noticed the swelling in my eyes because he pulled me in closer to him into a sort of side hug.

"I'm so sorry." The woman said as I rested my head on Glenn's riot gear. My mind went fuzzy as she continued to speak. I tried to block out the thought of Hershel to listen to her but I had already missed most of it. "I mean, I'm a piece of shit, why would you want my help." I caught just before she began to walk away.

"I don't want it, I need it...." Glenn said, stopping her in her tracks. "I have to find Maggie..."

She turned to face him. "Who's Maggie?"

"She's my wife."

"You guys got separated?"

"I was on the bus. I got off to help and she didn't see me"

"How do you know if she got out?"

Glenn began to speak. I interrupted. "She got out. I may not have seen it myself but Maggie is the strongest woman I've ever met. She got out."

"She got out, so I'm gonna find her," Glenn spoke again. "Things aren't over"

He began to walk, taking me along with him, as he still had his arm around my shoulders. "I want to believe that...." The woman called out after us. "I want to..."

There was a growl from behind the bushes we had come from. I looked over to see 4 or 5 walkers emerging from them, assuming they had followed us from the prison. "You have to," Glenn said to the woman before marching off to stab one in the head.

I pulled out my knife and stabbed one limping towards me, the woman did the same. I went to kill another and once it was dead I turned to see Glenn just lying on the ground.

I ran over to him and kneeled down next to him "Glenn...." I whispered as I shook him. The woman had joined me and we both tried to wake him. "Glenn..... please...."

Suddenly, out of damn nowhere, another walker grabbed the woman's shoulder. She knocked it back and killed it with the butt of Glenn's gun, but even after it was dead she continued to bash it's skull in.

It was then I heard the engine of a car. I thought I imagined it until I looked up to see an AM General M-939 (My dad knew a lot about cars... so naturally I know a lot about cars. These were used by the military before the world went to shit.) now parked in front of me.

"Ummm.... There's a truck.... you might wanna stop bashing the walkers head in and look..." I yelled to the zoned-out woman. Normally I would've just said her name, but I didn't know it.

She looked up and starred at the truck for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Finally, she blurted out, "HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE SHOW ASSHOLES!"

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages....... First off I was caught in school and stress and shit like that. But now I'm off for Easter break I just can't find the motivation. Also, I know this chapter is shit and short but I needed an update. Hopefully, chapters will get better soon..

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