Chapter 8 - "A Nice Conversation"

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The crystals, most would call Carl's eyes, stared deep into my soul with a questioning look. My emerald ones widened and starred back in shock.

I stood in the middle of the cell, still bobbing the baby girl. I had managed to get her to calm down, and she was now laying her head on my shoulder as I held her.

Carl kept his place in the door way, still staring. My eyes wandered to his hand. He was holding a baby bottle filled with milk.

When my eyes met back with his, he flung the bottle onto the bed and took a few steps towards me. He lifted the baby away from me, and she instantly started screaming again.

Carl rolled his eyes and tried to get her to be quiet. I realised what the struggle this was for him and I held my arms out to signalize for him to give her back.

Carl pondered on thought of giving her back. His facial expression showed exactly what was in mind.

Why the heck should I give her back to this person I don't even know. Not to mention she just wondered in her without permission.

The baby began to scream louder right down his ear. I think this made something in Carl's mind click and he gave up.

Sighing slightly, he handed her back to me and placed himself on the bed. He rested his head in his hands and started deeply at the concrete floor.

My eyes lifted to the bed where I noticed the baby bottle.

Assuming he was going to let me, I picked up the bottle from beside Carl and sat myself in its place.

Positioning the baby to feed her, I finally broke the silence that filled the room.

"Whats her name?" I asked. Ever since I showed up in this place, mine and Carl's convocations haven't been the best. I was determined to get to know him, or at the very least have a good conversation with him.

Carl turned to face me, "Judith," he answered

"Awww, little baby Judith," I cooed and we both giggled after.

"Why were you in here?" He questioned. This was the question I was hoping to avoid.

"I.. I was walking past and I heard her crying. I hate the sound of babies crying, I always have, I could never bare it when my baby brother cried."

"Wait... You got her to stop crying?"

"Yh... I did have a baby brother.... You learn a few things when you get woken up in the middle of the night with a baby screaming at you." I remembered Tony and his cute little face rapped up blankets.

"I wish I was as good as a brother you are a sister." Carl stated

"Well at least you're giving your mom a break for a bit."

Carl's eyes went straight from me back the floor. His head dropped as low as it could go and he sat with the most horrible look of despair. His breath became shaky and I knew I screwed up bad.

"Carl.." I had no clue what to say "I'm so sorry, I didn't.... I mean.... I'm so sorry" my eyes drooped.

"It doesn't matter." His voice was so shaky.

"No Carl, it does matter. I know exactly how you feel."

"How?" He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"I lost my mom, my dad, my big brother and my baby brother." I could feel my eyes burning as I spoke. Words began to spew out of my mouth like a fountain, and I fell into a ramble "It's like, every time you think of them your heart breaks that tiny bit more, and then when you feel like your just starting to mend you fall all the way back to the start. And as time goes on that piece of your heart never really mends, you just learn to live with it being broken."

Silence filled the room. The only way I could describe my mind set at that moment, was as if a dark mist had casted itself around my brain.

But then, I just broke down. My breath became shaky, topping Carl. My mind was spinning with countless memories of my family as I cried onto Judith.

We both sat on the edge of the bed.

Not saying a word.

Just staring.

Staring at the gray flooring beneath us.

My breath steadied itself and I looked up at Carl.

His head was still bowed, but was high enough for me to see his face.

His blood shot eyes, still sitting in teary tear ducts, dropped. His face was flushed bright red. On top of it all he was still breathing at a very uneasy pace.

It killed me to see him like that. It killed me to see anyone like that. And the fact that I caused it was just the cherry on top.

I adjusted Judith so that one of my arms were free, but she was still comfortable.

I wrapped my free arm around Carl's shoulders. He was hesitant at first, as shown by the way his shoulders tensed. Yet he still decided to loosen himself again.

I pulled him into a tighter hug and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Carl...." I said as softly as I could, my voice still shaking.

So much for a nice conversation.

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