Chapter 15 - It's Official

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(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I recently went back to school so I haven't had as much time in the day to myself as I used to. But yeh, heres another chapter, HOPE YOU ENJOY


I gazed out the window as Carol read to the children below me.

Being my age I wouldn't have really chosen to come to story time if I wasn't here looking after Judith.

This kid Carl knew, Patrick, and I sat on stools, while the younger kids sat on the floor in front of us. Of course, I had Judith on my lap, bouncing her on my knee.

I wasn't really paying attention because, as I said, I didn't actually want to be there. In fact I was surprised Patrick was there on his own accord, he was around my age. Oh well...... Who am I to judge?

I tried persuading Carl to come but that didn't work. He said he had to look after the pigs with his dad or something.

Bored out of my mind, I stared longingly out the window. I could hear the faint sound of Carol's voice telling a story, but that was drowned out by my thoughts.

Lost in time, I continued to ignore everyone and everything around me. Only snapping out of my day dream when Carol slapped the book closed.

"Ok everyone, that's all for today." She said placing the book in its rightful place on the shelf. A series moans and wines came from the children. I think I was the only one who actually wanted to leave.

I lifted up Judith off of my knee and went to head out the door, when I was called back by Carol.

"Hey, isn't it Beth's turn to take her?" She asked, nodding to the giggling baby in my arms.

"Yeh, it is, I was just going to find her." I replied.

"Here," she said, holding out her arms, "let me take her, I'll go find Beth. You go get some food and, I don't know, find Carl."

I rolled my eyes and passed Judith over to Carol. I then muttered something resembling a "thank you" and ran off down the hall to the dinning area.

Carl and I hadn't officially 'together', but I'm pretty sure everyone knew I liked him. Which I do...... a lot.

I jogged outside to see Daryl on the grill, cooking some sort of meat. He had gotten quite good at being camp chef, it might have actually become his full time job if he wasn't our main runner. I like to go on a fair few runs myself, but I don't think the adults like it when I do. It's 'too dangerous'.

"Serving for one please," I joked to Daryl, leaning against the counter. Daryl gave me a half smile and handed me a plate of food. "Thank you, sir" I said taking the food and turning on my heels to face the tables.

In 30 seconds I spotted Carl chatting away with Michonne. She was pretty much Carl's best friend, even though she was quite a bit older than us. I didn't know her very well to be honest. Actually she didn't know who I was I don't think.

I skipped over to them and placed my self on the other side of Carl.

"Oh, hey." Carl said to me as i sat down.

"Hey stranger," I replied, " I feel like ain't seen you properly in a few days."

"Same here."

Michonne leant over and looked around Carl so I could see her face. She smiled and look over at Carl.

"So Carl, is this your girlfriend?" she joked, dragging out the 'girl' as if she was almost teasing him.

My face suddenly got very hot, and I lowered my head to hide, pretending to be occupied by my food, the obvious blushing.

"Yes, actually." I heard Carl say as he put his arm around my back.

My head shot up and my eyes widened. Did he just call me his girlfriend? If possible, my face became even more hot and red. Yet, I didn't deny it. Something just felt...... right.

"Oh, wow." Michonne replied. I don't think she was expecting that answer. Neither was I.

We sat and talked for a while. I wasn't really listening because I was so shocked.

"Shoot! I need to go find Rick." Michonne said, getting out her seat. She picked up her plate and said, "Bye Carl, bye Leigh." just before running off. Then I was left alone with Carl.

"So," I said, making Carl turn towards me. "I'm your girlfriend now."

"Only if you wanna be," He blurted out nervously.

Without warning I leaned forward and connected our lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then pulled away.

"Does that answer your question?"

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