Chapter 31 - Nightmares

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I slammed the door shut behind me as I ran into the room. I pulled the hatch lock across and tugged on the door to make sure there was no way he could get in.

I span around and lent against the hard wood door. My back slid slowly down it, splinters clutching onto the back of my jumper. My knees rose up to my face as I sat down on the bathroom tiles.

Tony babbled and clapped as he looked up at me from his place on the floor.

"I love you baby brother, I wont ever let him hurt you." I whispered as quietly as I could. I knew he wouldn't understand me, him being 6 months old, but did I care?

The echoes of shouts vibrated through the walls, none sounded like Lucas though. He probably left the house. Better idea than mine. Cornering myself in a bathroom. Yeh... well done Leigh.

The smash of a bottle. The thump of a body hitting the ground. Then silence. Each sound came in sequence, one after the other. Whether it had been Mom or Dad, one had hit the other over the head with the with the whiskey bottle Dad had been sipping on earlier.

I hated him. All he ever did was drink and smoke. No respect for his kids. No respect for his wife. Why did mom even marry that sad excuse of a human being? And why she covered for every dickhead thing he did I don't know either.

I didn't hear him come up the stairs. All I heard was the pounds on the door, sending vibrations rippling down my spine.

"Leigh? Come out here." The groan of my Father's voice ran through the room.

I scrambled across the floor, my legs knocking over everything on the floor they could reach. I  positioned myself on the other side of the bathroom, as far away from the door as I could.

Tony was now in front on me, which I didn't like. I swooped him up off the floor and placed him soundly on my lap. At least now it was easier to cover him if Dad got in.

The banging on the door got louder and more frequent. He was hitting the wood so hard the vibrations were now rippling through the floor and to my feet.

Tony babbled and clutched my jumper. That babble became a cry. That cry became a series on deafening screams of pure terror as our so called Father shouted, bellowed and cursed on the opposite side of the door.

I tried my hardest to calm the baby down. I bobbed him up and down on my trembling knee, cooed with all my heart, made faces to try and distract him. But nothing was good enough to over come the terrified look in his baby blue eyes.

Then the lock broke. The one bar of metal that I trusted so dearly to keep me safe, snapped in 2.

My heart stopped.

Then it started again. It had sunk to my stomach and it was all I could hear.

Tony screamed louder than ever before but it was muffled by the fast paced thumping in my torso.

The door swung open. There he stood in the doorway, starring down at his cowering children on the floor.

Dad stepped forward and reached down for Tony. I clutched him harder, but he was ripped away from me with one tug.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" I groaned through tears that were now rushing down my face, as I pushed myself up on my knees. My legs were too weak with fear to stand.

"I won't." Dad's slurred voice mumbled as he left the room with Tony. The second he opened his mouth the room filled with the sickly stench of alcohol. You'd think I'd have been used to it by then.

Dad returned 10 minutes later without Tony. I really don't care what he was going to do to me anymore. I just wanted to know what he had done with my brother.

Without saying a word he stepped forward and slapped me across the face, sending me down to ground now clutching my stinging cheek.

He fell to his knees and he grabbed my hair, lifting my face so my eyes met his. He starred into my watering eyes for a moment before he spoke.


It was one single word, and I had been called so much worse, but it hit me so hard.

What the hell had I done?

Am I just a failure of a child?

Was I not good enough?

Was I simply just a mistake and will never be wanted?

Finally, with one simple swing of my Father's arm, I was flung across the bathroom. My head hit the side of the bath and I was knocked out in one blow.


I shot straight up, almost hitting my head off the wall of the tunnel.

Tears were already streaming down my face and I could still feel my heart thumping in my stomach.

I must of been loud (or was I screaming? I don't know, all I could hear was my heart.) because Maggie instantly rushed over to me.

Her muffled questions of concern were left unanswered as I was too frightened to speak.

Glenn had also made his way over to me and Abraham had lifted me off the ground onto his lap.

I managed to move enough to bury my head in Abraham's chest. He cradled me in his arms like a baby as I cried into his shirt.

"I'll look after her." Abraham's voice managed to break through the thumping of my heart and it began to rise back to it's original place.

With one last hug from Glenn and Maggie, I was left in Abraham's arms.

(A/N) Hope you children enjoyed this one! I'm honestly so proud of this one XD.

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