Chapter 35 - Short Stop And Doofus

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I sat in the corner, alone, sobbing into my knees. I don't know why I couldn't handle this, everyone else seemed so calm which made me feel even worse.

I couldn't hear anything. The sound of my brothers voice trying to calm me came as a blur, everyone else discussing what the actual fuck was happening were quiet buzzes. The only thing I could hear clearly were the thoughts spinning through my mind making me feel nauseous.

"Does anyone have anything, anything at all?" Glenn's, although still muffled, voice echoed down my ear.

Murmurs that all sounded negative were all that came as a response. I, still in shock and on the verge a panic attack, sat in silence.

How ever long I sat there, whether it be minutes or hours, felt like an eternity. The room (If you could even call it that) was spinning but almost everything was moving in slow motion.


The shots began to ring outside our cage, muffled by both the metal walls and my ears closing up with fear.

I stared blankly at the floor, with nothing else left to cry I resulted to scrapping my nail across the floor like rakes, gathering loose dirt and dust behind my nails.

My hearing was beginning to open up and my ears began to ache as noise filled them once again.

"What are they shooting at?" Tara questioned, her voice drifting from across the room.

"God knows," Maggie began with an annoyed tone in her speech. "I don't think they're dumb enough to shoot at stray walkers, and if it was a herd the smart thing to do would get it from the fence, but these sound like they're shooting at something in the grounds."

The shots continued for a while before finally stopping. Men shouting took it's place but it was still terribly muffled.

Everyone strained their ears to listen. Footsteps began to to approach the door but stopped outside without entering. Then a second set. Then a third. And then after one final shout from a voice that sounded like belonged to first set, a forth set approached. Then silence.

I was digging the dirt and dust out from under my nails and putting it back on the floor when the metal door slid across. Sunlight filled the room causing my eyes to burn as this sudden light entered them. I shielded my eyes with my hand as a defence.

The four people that were previously on the door step, entered the cart before the door was shut behind them.

As the light went back to it's original state of barely existing, Glenn was the first to stand up and investigate the new prisoners who were so lucky to join us in this metal death box.

"Rick?" Glenn murmured and my head shot up at hearing his name.

"You're here?" Rick's voice rang into my ears and a sense of joy filled my body.

I positioned myself to be able to see round Glenn and the others who had got up to join him.

Rick was the first to come into view, then Daryl and Michonne emerged from the darkness, but the forth person remaind in it. Curiosity of who it was was stamped on when I saw his hat.

"Carl?" My shaky and murmured, but excited, voice was barely enough to hear, but it was heard.

"Leigh?" Carl stepped forward trying to find the voices executor.

"Carl!" I jumped up as I almost shouted his name.

I pelted straight through the crowd and straight at him. His arms opened as I approached and I fell into them. He picked me up off the ground to meet his height and span me around as we squeezed the life out of each other. I pulled my head out of the crook of his neck to place my lips on his, and we kissed as he let my feet slowly drop back to floor.

We pulled away and I starred into his hypnotising eyes and delved into the oceans they were. A smile spread itself across my damp face as my original tear stains were run over by my tears of joy.

Carl wiped away my tears and starred back into my eyes. "I've missed you so much.." Carl mumbled.

"Oh you have no idea." I replied.

Carl let go of my face and looked me up and down. "Have you shrunk? You seem even shorter than you were."

I giggled at his goofiness. "Hey you asshole!  I haven't shrunk! You're the one growing as fast as the weeds outside, you big ugly giant." I shot back laughing with my words.

"For fuck's sake, I love you short stop."

"I love you too doofus."

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