Chapter 11 - New room, New people

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My mind raced as I forcefully stuffed my crap into my bag.

Why the heck did they choose me to move in to their cell block? Like, I'm not even that important. I'm just a worthless piece of shit they picked up from the side of the road. I didn't even think they wanted me here in the first place. I thought they only brought me in because they didn't want the weight of leaving a defenceless 13 year old to die on her own on their conscience.

I grabbed pretty much everything I owned and threw it all into my backpack. I left my stuffy little room, sliding the curtain across as I exited, and set off to cell block C. Where I would be put into another stuffy little room.

As I approached the block I heard the sounds of talking and laughter. Everyone seemed to be having a great time in there.

I missed that about the old world. Being able to enjoy life with no weight on your shoulders. Not having to worry about the dangers that lived beyond the walls, because there were none.

I walked through the large opening of the cell block and silence filled the air.

All eyes stared in my direction.

It was rather intimidating. Almost everyone was smiling, but I still felt small and frightened.

The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps coming from the back of the crowd that gathered in the room.

A small blonde girl, I recognised as Beth pushed through the crowd to greet me.

She smiled sweetly, her blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight coming through the barred windows. "Come on," she said nodding her head into the direction of the cells. "I'll show you to your room." She turned on her heels and started off towards the stairs leading to the higher level cells.

I smiled in return and followed her, avoiding the stares from the rest of the group. That was until I noticed the dark haired boy standing near the stair case.

Holding his baby sister, Carl watched me as I walked across the room. Our eyes met each other and shame rushed through my body.

My eyes darted, as quick as they could, to the floor, and I continued to follow Beth up the stairs.

"This one's yours," Beth called to me as she opened the bars to a cell. "Make yourself at home then feel free to come meet everyone." she suggested, still smiling.

"Thank you." I said throwing my bag onto the top bunk.

Yay more people.....


I'd been there for a couple of hours but I was yet to leave my room, but some people had come up to say hello.

Rick came up to welcome me. He seemed a lot calmer from when I first met him.

There was Maggie, Beth's older sister, and her husband, Glenn. They were both very nice. They made me feel like part of a family even though I'd only known them for a short while.

There was also Daryl. Well.. technically he hadn't come to say hello.. he just kind of walked past and stuck his head in to see who the fuck I was I suppose. For some odd reason the redneck seemed a cross bow with him everywhere. I had saw him among the crowd down stairs and he seemed to have it then as well.

There were some others but I hadn't met them fully yet. I planned to.. as soon I got used to the place that was.


Night fall hit.

Surprisingly, birds were singing there final songs of the day as the sun began to set.

I climbed into my pajamas and sat on my bed. I wasn't particularly tired but everything else had become quiet.

I sat on my bed staring straight ahead, gathering my thoughts.

The light from lanterns downstairs shined under the sheet in the door frame.

But as I stared and the line of light, 2 feet blocked it and stopped outside my door.

(A/N sorry this is so slow pace I'm just having trouble figuring out what to put in these. I have so many ideas up ahead it's just getting to that point is the problem. ANYWAY.... Thank you for reading and voting and shit I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.)

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