Chapter 10 - Moving

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My stomach turned to the sound I really hoped to never hear again.

I opened my droopy eyes and stared up at the bars holding up the top bunk. The crying sounded like it was coming from right behind the drawn curtain in the door way.

While turning onto my side, there was a knock on the wall. There wasn't really a door so guess that was the only place they could knock.

As my mind wondered of who the heck this could be, and why they have a baby, a soft voice called from outside. "Leigh?..." It was a feminine voice, very friendly and young, a voice I didn't recognise.

I mumbled something along the lines of "come in" and younge blonde girl, holding Judith, stepped in.

Her wavy, long hair was pulled up into a loose pony tail. She had beautiful deep blue eyes that seemed to glimmer in the low light. In fact, she was very pretty.

She walked across the room and stood in the middle of it, as I sat up and shifted myself to the edge of the bed.

"I'm so sorry.. Did I wake you?" She asked. She sounded so polite and sincere.

"Yeh... But its fine I would have had to get up at some point" I replied rubbing my eyes, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room.

The blonde girl walked across the rest of my room, crying baby in her arms, and placed herself on the edge of the bed.

"I'm really sorry," she apologized. "Its just you seem to be the only one who can calm her down."

I was rather confused but I still took the baby from the girl. Poor baby Judith.

The baby still screamed as I bounced her on my knee. Her eyes wondered around the room as if looking for something. I pulled her in closer to my chest and she rested herself there. I rubbed her small shoulders until she had calmed down.

My eyes panned back to the girl sitting next to me on the bed.

"Carl was right... You are good with her." She commented.

"I'm really sorry but, who are you?" I questioned. I was trying so hard not to sound rude.

"Oh! Yh! Sorry..." She shifted her self on the bed and moved a piece of hair out of her face. "I'm Beth. My dads name is Hershel. You know him right?." I nodded in reply

We sat in a room of silence. But it strangely wasn't that awkward. I sat cradling Judith, starring down at her small curled up body. The silence was broken when Beth suddenly spoke.

"Rick was gonna ask for you to move into our cell block." She announced. The sudden suggestion came as a shock to me.

"Sorry.. what?!" My eyes widened.

"Yeh... Well your really good with Judith. You are apparently very tough. And I personally think you are a very good person." She explained.

Judith wriggled in her sleep as I starred back at Beth.

Why out of the people would they have chose me to move into their cell block. I'm socially awkward and I clearly don't have a good reputation for making bad situations good, do I?

"It was Carl's idea." Beth added. Shock filled my body.

"What! He doesn't hate me!?!" I guess I said my thoughts out loud on accident.

"No?..Why would he hate you?." Beth answered, confusion lingering in her tone.

I look back down at Judith. "No reason." my voices lowered into a near whisper.

How does he not hate? I'd hate me. I do hate me.

"So?" Beth titled her head and turned her body towards me.

"Hmm?" I simply replied in confusion.

"Do you wanna move in?"

The question circled in my mind. Carl doesn't hate me? But I was such an idiot and I said such stupid things why would he want me around? But I guess I would know some people if I'm in there. I mean I know Carol, Hershel and Beth, so I guess I'd have some company for once. Plus if Carl doesn't hate me, I'll have him as well.

"I guess..." I spilled out without thinking.

"Great!" She seemed excited "Hand her here and I'll go tell Rick" she said gesturing the Judith. While I carefully handed over the sleeping baby she spoke again. "Thank you for calming her down by the way."

"No problem." I replied and she left the room with a smile.

I starred straight ahead at the dark gray wall. I closed my eyes for a good 10 seconds then opened them again. My blurring vision faded back to normal and my mind spun for a while.

Sooner or later my mind came to an ease and I was back starring at the bland wall.

Better start packing should I?

(R/N sorry for the kinda slow update. Anyway no fucking way has this story got over 100 views! Thank you!!!)

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