Chapter 17 - Quarantine

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So many people died that day. Not many I knew but it was still devastating. Maggie, Glenn and few others were out in the court yard digging graves for hours. I would've helped, if I hadn't been sent to quarantine.

The council decided it was best for the children to go into quarantine to try stop us catching it. To be honest after what happened to everyone I was OK with being isolated, but others...... not so much.

I sat on the edge of the prison bed, forcefully stuffing all my shit back into my backpack for a second time. This didn't really take long due to the fact most of my shit was still at the camp in the middle of the woods somewhere.

I clipped my knives around my waist making them easier to carry and walked towards the door. I turned to get Carl from his cell but he was already waiting at my door. Just by the look on his face you could tell he wasn't looking forward to being isolated.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walking along side Carl down to the children's quarantine. Everyone else was already there, including Beth with Judy.

Carl and I decided to share a room.

We pushed 2 mattresses together so we had king size bed to share, even if either of us did roll into the crack where they connected it would break in 2.

I sat on our bed, Judith resting on my knee, watching Carl as he paced the room.

"Carl, can you stop? You're making me dizzy" I said as I made Judith's little arms dance.

"No I can't, I want to help." he blurted out.

"And you think I don't?" I questioned. He stopped to turn and face me.

"I thought you'd love this, being away from everyone, not having to do anything." There was a look of annoyance on his face.

"Normally yes, I would, but if it wasn't for these people I'd most likely be dead. So right now I'd love to return the favour, even though it doesn't really add up," Judith threw her arms in the air and a huge open-mouthed smile spread across her face, she seemed happy. I don't know why she was so happy, but it drew a small smile to my face.

I looked back up at Carl. "Whatever, you don't get it, I've known them longer." he muttered.

My eyes widened to his comment. I took a deep breath. "Did you not hear a word I just said. I do get it, I could be dead if I wasn't brought in here. So knowing what's going on and not being able to help, I feel like shit too," my voice raised as I spoke, turning into a yell. I leant back against the wall, tilting my head back as far as it would go.

I didn't here a word from Carl. After 30 seconds of pure silence, footsteps made their way towards the door of the room. "I'm going to check on the other kids."

"There you go, you have something to do." I said, lifting my head off the wall to look at Carl. He rolled his eyes angrily and slammed the door as he left.


I was still sitting on the bed, bored out of my mind, starring blankly at a wall.

I had passed Judith over to Beth about an hour before, and hadn't moved since.

I don't know where Carl ran off to, he couldn't have gone far because he's not allowed to leave quarantine.

Wow, that wall got so boring after 3 hours, but I was too lazy to get up. So I stayed.

Another 10 minutes passed and finally the door opened. I didn't bother to look, I could tell it was Carl by the sheriff's hat that got thrown on the floor in front of me the second the door opened.

The heavy weight of Carl sat it's self down next to me. I'm guessing he was starring at the boring ass wall with me because he didn't say anything for the first 10 minutes.

He finally spoke. "I'm sorry, I just really don't like being cooped up and not being able to help."

"It's fine, I get it." I replied leaning my head on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to shout."

"It's OK." He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in closer.

That wall was so boring. The minute I find a pen I'm drawing on that wall. I can't stand the plain beige anymore.

"What's one thing you wish you still had from when the world was normal?" Carl asked. I guess he got bored of the wall and tried to spark a conversation.

"My family obviously.... except my dad I guess..." I stopped myself before I could say anymore, I really didn't want to carry on about that. "But if it had to be an object, probably the heart locket my mom gave me for my 11th birthday. I didn't think this would last this long... So I left it at home so I wouldn't loose it.... But now I'm like 200 miles away from it... Where it's most likely crawling with walkers." I could feel myself tearing up. I know it's stupid to cry over a necklace but I couldn't help it.

"Mine would probably be my Xbox"

"WOW! how considerate!"

(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I really haven't had any motivation to write lately and I've been really busy with school. But anyway I hope you enjoyed.

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