Chapter 20 - Not Alone

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I sat on the cold concrete floor, hugging my knees. I hit my head against the wall, with each hit rethinking of how stupid I had been. I don't know why I locked myself in there. I guess I just needed to get where I could be somewhat safe.

What am I on about? How was I safe? At any moment walkers could pile in the cell block, blocking off the exit, resulting in me having to either give up and let them get me or starving to death.

The explosions and gunshots had stopped. I could hear faint growls coming from outside. There were none in my cell block that I could hear. I didn't dare move though. I did this to myself and I was going to stay there.

I don't know how much time passed, but it had to be over an hour. I still hadn't moved from my spot on the floor, my only movement being rocking backward and forwards. But I stopped my slight actions when I heard footsteps.

I thought it was a walker, but there was no other sound other than feet hitting the ground. I listen hard but there were no growls or moans. And to top it off, it had a normal walking pattern, the feet weren't being dragged.

Despite this, I stayed cautious, picking myself off the ground to get a better look at the owner of feet. As I stared through the bars of the cell, the light shone on a familiar face.

"Glenn?" I spoke, half whispering loud enough for him to hear me. He turned towards me, making it more clear it was him.

For a moment I thought he had turned until he answered me. "Leigh?" he returned the question and made his way towards me. Excitement rushing through me, I grabbed the keys and opened the door. Once I got it open I ran at Glenn as he opened his arms to pull me into a hug.

He was still a little sick but I really didn't mind. I was just happy to see another live person, I guess. I thought I would be stuck on my own again.

We stood hugging until he pulled away. "Are you OK? Are you hurt? Why are you here? Why didn't you leave with the others?" He rambled, grabbing my shoulders and leaning down to my height.

"Woah! Slow down," I said a little louder so he would get the message to shut up. "I'm fine, honestly. I don't know why but I locked myself in here, I couldn't see a way out and this was the only place my stupid mind took me after walkers started coming. I could ask you the same."

"Maggie put me on the bus but I wanted to help. But there were explosions and walkers. I guess I got knocked out of something because I woke up on an exploded bridge surrounded by walkers." Glenn explained.

"God are you OK?"

"Yeh, I'm fine don't worry" 

"OK, well, we can't stay here now. How do you suggest we get out?" I asked. Glenn didn't answer and started to walk up the stairs, where he was originally going.

He walked up to his old cell and pulled out riot gear from under his bed. But there was only one suit. I mean I don't think they made riot gear for 15-year-olds but still.

"Oh, so you're gonna use the riot gear to get out because the walkers can't get to you in it, and I'm staying here, got it" I blurted sarcastically without even thinking.

"No! Of course not" I knew he wasn't going to leave me really.

"Right then how are we both getting out?" I asked.

Glenn took a while to think out his plan. My frenzied mind still couldn't think anything other than YOU'RE GOING TO DIE so I was pretty useless at this moment.

Suddenly without warning, Glenn asked, "How heavy are you?"

"What?" I replied, rather confused.

"How heavy are you?" He asked again, tilting his head and making direct eye contact.

"I don't know, haven't really had the chance to measure my weight recently. Why?" I uselessly answered, still sarcastic and really confused.

"Because I'm going to carry you."

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