Chapter 7 - Confused But Stern

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He led me up the stairs to the room right at the end. I appreciated this because when the world was normal... normal-ish ...... I was known as a very introvert person, so I appreciated being hidden away.

Each room had a sheet hung at the door. I nosily looked into one of cells where the sheet was pulled open as we walked past. There was a bunk bed and a sink. I assumed all the rooms were like this because my room was exactly the same.

The man sat me down on the bed and put my bag in the corner. He already had all the stitching stuff set up. It was kind of scary, tools laid out in neat rows ready to operate.

He worked in silence and I awkwardly sat there as he pulled my forehead back together. It felt like forever for him to put in every stitch. When he was done he spoke with a very soft voice.

"Ok, I think I'm done," he said starting to pack up all the things laid across my bed. "I'll be sure to check on you in a week or so to get them taken out."

"Thank you sir." I politely replied. I still wasn't quite sure on his name.

"Call me Hershel," he said turning to me and smiling. "Oh yeah. Would you like to put your name on the calendar?."

"Come again?" I said, very confused

"All it is, is marking your birthday off on the calendar. It's in the room that links all the cell blocks. We felt like even though the world decided it wanted to end we should still celebrate our birthdays. Here." He pulled a pen out of his pocket and tossed it over to me. I caught it in one hand, then placed it on the floor.

"Thanks" I said, still kind of confused

"Go down and mark your name on when you feel like it."

He gathered up all his supplies and tucked them under his arm.

He smiled and then left the room, still smiling as he turned the corner. He had pulled the sheet across guessing I wanted privacy but I could still hear his footsteps. He trotted down the stairs lightly placing his foot on each step.

I could still here the murmurs of my 'cell mates' down the stairs. They greeted Hershel as he passed.

I laid back my head, resting it on the pillow. I stared up at the bars holding up the top bunk.
My mind wondered into the deepest of my thoughts, until my eyes became heavy. I closed them and went into a dream state.

I don't remember much of it, I just remember seeing the prison. It was a peaceful place. People laughing and enjoying themselves. Everyone getting on with their daily activities. There were people cooking food. Children being taught like they were back in school. I can't remember what I was doing but I know I was enjoying myself.

I came back to reality with a shock. A loud clash of metal hitting the hard concrete floor. I passed it off as someone just dropping a pan or something and ignored it.

Well I'm awake now, might as well go do something.

Sitting up trying not to hit my head off the top bunk, I thought of what I could do. I sat on the edge of the bed, my elbows resting on my knees, looking around my small cell.

I was thinking about how this would be a really bad place to stay if you were claustrophobic, when I notice the pen on the floor.

I stood up, using the bed as a crutch because my legs were dead.

Once I had steadied myself and some of the feeling had come back to my legs, I picked up the pen and set off on my way.

I staggered down the stairs, being careful not to fall face first. Many people sat at the small round tables that seemed to be in every cell block. They looked at me with questioning eyes, but most had smiles stretched across their face as if to welcome me.

I smiled back and kept walking.

As I came to the main room I saw Carl leave Cell block C. He looked at me with a blank face and kept walking. I just glared back, not really wanting to question why he looked so moody.

I looked around the room trying to find this calendar Hershel had mentioned. When I finally noticed it, it was tucked away in a corner.

I trotted over and the date came into view. We were in February. I didn't expect it to be anywhere near my birthday because this whole thing started just after it.

Flicking through the pages trying to find June, I looked at every name as I went through them.

I was so amazed at the amount of people that were living here in perfect harmony that I almost went straight past June

Surprisingly there weren't that many names in June. I scanned each box looking for the 21st. when I found it I wrote my name in the clearest hand writing possible.

My handwriting was never the best in school. My teacher always moaned at me to do my work over and over and over again because "it wasn't neat enough". It was irritating. To be honest I'm glad I don't have to go to school anymore.

I started off back to my cell thinking of what I could do now. I hadn't seen much to do since I got here.

I walked past Cell block C again, but this time there was a faint noise coming from the cells. I stopped in my tracks to examine the noise.

Peaking my head round the corner to investigate, I realised that no one was in the main room of the Cell block. However, the noise grew louder.

I had no clue if there was any rule about not being allowed in other cell blocks, but I didn't care.

The reason I didn't care was because of the noise I was hearing. I'd recognise it anywhere, and I hate it.

The sound of a baby crying really got to me, especially after Tony.

Why is no one watching over this poor child? Who would be so cruel just to leave it here?

These questions rang through my head as I scanned the room. No one....

I followed the sound inside a cell and was confronted with a beautiful baby girl, screaming at the top of her lungs. I didn't care who she belonged to, no one was looking after her and I didn't want her to cry.

"Shhhhh, it's ok, it's ok baby," I hushed as I lifted her out of the 'crib'

I circled the room, bopping and hushing her, trying my best for her to calm down.

I repeated this step over and over until she became silent.

She was so immensely adorable I didn't know what to do with myself. I played with her small hands, still pacing the room.

Suddenly, the curtain of the Cell flung open. I spun around, and came face to face with a confused, but stern, Carl.

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