Chapter 2

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Virat's POV

We have just won the Asia cup and heading back home. We are at the airport. All my fellow team mates are busy giving autograph and clicking selfies with the fans. I was sitting or should say hiding in a corner.

It is not that I do not appreciate the love I get from my fans it's just I do not feel comfortable facing them. I kind of fear talking to the strangers. I was man of the tournament for the Asia cup every damn media person wanted to talk to me take my interview, but me being me escaped from all that anyhow.

Rohit Sharma=RO


M S Dhoni= MSD

Ro: Come on virat, they are not going to bite you.

He said trying to convince me for few selfies with my fans

V: Rohit you know na I do not socialise much.

That's so true in my case you will hardly see me anywhere with anyone except for team events and with my team mates and of course my matches and practice. I do go to events of my teams mates like I last went to mahi bhai's weeding be it for 5 minutes but had to I cannot let him down no matter what. Everybody was so surprised. But I still remember mahi bhai's smile when I showed upon his wedding.

Anyways back to present.

Luckily Mahi bhai came to my rescue.

MSD: let him be RO. Don't force him if he is not comfortable.

RO: I am telling you Mahi if he is going to be like this he will die single for sure.

He tried pulling my leg.

MSD: Love finds its way Ro. I am sure that will happen for him as well

With that's been said I shrunk back to my seat and Rohit continued with her chit chat with others.

Rohit is a nice guy. The friendliest one in the team i guess he gets along with everyone. Surprisingly with me as well.

MSD: So man of the tournament ready to be back home?

Mahi bahi asked me taking the seat next to me.

V: Yes. Dying to be home.

Yes, I am the kind of guy who just wants to be home as soon as I am done with my match or practice.

MSD: ok but you do have to come to the press conference with me. I know you don't like to but you are the man which got us the victory you have to come. Do not worry I will take care of the irrelevant questions.

He said assuring me. Back in mind I was wondering how well he knows me.

Soon we reached India and as said Ibjoined Mahi bahi to the conference and he took care of all.

As I reached home  I was welcomed by shanti kaki and om kaka.

I quickly bent down touched their feet and took blessings. For others they can be house help but for me they were family.

Kaki: I am so proud of you son

V: thanks kaki

Kaka: now go fresh up and come back as the food is ready.

I rushed towards my room but on my way I went to my parents room touched there live size pictures which is there in that room and placed my trophy on the table as all the others. I always keep them there. The thought that if they would have been here to witness this moment how happy and proud they must have felt caused a tear to roll out of my eyes. I quickly came out of the room before I get to emotional, and went back straight to my room.

As soon as I finished my diner I was in my TV room. Yes I do have a TV room or should gaming room.

 Yes I do have a TV room or should gaming room

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I have a humongous house. It's big. No very big.

I some time think what must be going through my dad's mind while he was building this house.

This house has everything Gym, Swimming pool, Garden, Around 6 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, a lavish drawing room, a cosy living room, a game room, a mini library and a cricket pitch in the backward.

Just everything. Many suggested me to move into a smaller place since I am living alone, but I didn't want to move away from the memories of my parents which are here in this house.

I was Playing some game while I received a call from Singh Uncle

Singh Uncle= Su

Su: Hello My child. Congrats on your great performance.

V: Thanks so much uncle.

Su: So now since you are done with the matches for few months. I wanted to talk to you about few things. It's about business

Yes we don't have any matches for next few months and I was in a mood to chill not to think about anything be myself and relax at home, but the mention of Business made me feel all kind of weird.

They say that there is nothing a "Virat Kholi" cannot do. But they don't know even the mention of business makes me nervous. I have never looked into any matter. Singh uncle was there for that but today he wanted to DISCUSS something with me regards to business.

I was aware that this on my way as I remember Mahi bhai faintly mentioning that his dad wants to talk to me about something.

I promised uncle that I will come to meet him in the morning. And with those thoughts running into my mind i drifted off to sleep.


Will find out what happens when you talk business to a cricketer who knows nothing except cricket......


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