Chapter 19

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Ditya's POV

Journey in the plane back to Mumbai was silent one. I sat next to virat and mahi bahi is the next row.

The moment if woke up I found myself sleeping on Virat's shoulder. I quickly withdraw myself and sat properly. Virat moved a bit. I saw him sleeping peacefully. How everything has changed in such small span of time? From being a fan to being a best friend. I was looking at him and just then.

V: Stop it ditya. Pyar hojayega mujhse.

I blushed to his comment and looked away. Will fall in love with him or i am already in love with him? My chain of thoughts were broken by the announcement for landing.

We were back in Mumbai. All three of us were tired. Mahi bhai went to his home. And virat as always dropped me home. As soon as i reached home. It was already around 7 am. I dropped the plan to sleep if i will i will be late for office. So i went for a quick jog. Though i was tired i needed some fresh air. Around 9 i reached my office.

Mira = M

M: good morning Ditya. I have a very good news for you.

D: spill it.

M: you have been nominated for international business woman of the year and for young achiever too.

D: What?????

I was happy. No it was beyond happiness. Happy would be an understatement. This is what i have always aimed for. This is what i always wanted to achieve. This was the only dream i had as of now.

M: yes my dear you are so close to your dream. So now your performance would be judged for the next entire year. And i am 100% sure this is gona be yours.

D: Mira i have to work hard now.  This is the chance i can never let go.

The only person came to my mind to share this news was Virat. But just then i realized he must be in practice session as he have to leave in next 3 days. The thought of which made me a little sad. I just dropped him a text.

D: Call me one you are free. So much to share.

I received his call after good three hours.

V: tell me what it is?

I can sense he was not himself. There was something in his voice which was telling me he is not fine. I felt like addressing his issues first.

D: What happen veer?

V: nothing much Diti. I am just not feeling myself so much pressure to perform and proving myself a good caption. I guess i am unable to cope up with the responsibilities and expectations.

The best thing about the relation we share was we never have beat around the bushes. We just say what we are feeling without thinking that the other person would judge us. This is the beauty of our relationship. Opps sorry friendship.

D: Veer dinner at my place tonight at 9.

I kind of ordered rather than asking. I knew this is something we have to sit and talk about. Not something which can be discussed on phone. He knew that too. He agreed immediately.

V: see you at 9 diti.

I left home early just to cook his favourite food. I knew work was important but something is bothering him and that is bothering me even more. I made a mental note to sort my feelings out as they are messed up right now. Am i in love already? Half of my mind was sure i am but the other half says its too early to make such decisions.

Virat's POV

I was in my practice session I received a text from Ditya she had something to share. I called her immediately after i was done but rather then telling what she wants to she became all worried about me. It was true i was not feeling myself. Part of it was because of game pressure. That was not something i can't handle. I can. I have been doing it all through my life. It was something else this time. I decided i will talk to her about this tonight. No matter what. I came home took a shower got dressed and left for her place.

D: Welcome Mr. Kohli. 

She said in the most dramatic way possible that made me laugh a little. This girl makes me comfortable right away. Her presence have a charm to it. I love it. I love her. Yes i was like kind of sure i love her.

V: Thank you Miss Sharma.

D: lets go and have dinner first we have lot to talk about after that.

We had dinner in almost silence. One because the dinner was heavenly and i was hungry as hell. And two both of us didn't wanted to start a conversation. After the dinner we made our way towards the terrace it was beginning of November and a little chill can be felt even in the air of city like Mumbai.

D: tell me veer what's bothering you? I know you kind of lied to me in the afternoon about game pressure. I know you can handle it. Its something else.

V: Diti i am scared. It was same kind of tour which i went to and when i came back i was left with nothing. Its not that i haven't went on tours after that I did but i had nothing to lose. And now since i have you i don't want anything happen to you. I might sound like a most idiot person right now but this is what bothering me. You are special to me Diti and i can't afford to lose you.

D: veer you trust me right? So here i promise you I will always be here waiting for you no matter what. And trust me i will take care of myself and will not let anything happen. Please don't be distracted because of me. Ja kar wapas aao. I will be waiting for you. And i want every man of the match. If not all at least most of them.

There she is again made everything simple as ever. She said all that with so much honesty and determination that i had no option other then trusting her. She assured that she will be there always for me and that is all i wanted. She asked me to get all the man of the match's so typically Ditya that kind of made me more persistent and firm to perform my career best in these 3 series.

She even told me about her nomination for the award. And i was happiest person on the planet earth because i knew how much hard work she had putted in. How many sleepless nights and restless days have went into it. She deserves every bit of it.

There was another thing which caught my attention as I confessed my fear and her being special to me she had mixed emotions. Surprise shocked happy confused all at once. I was sure about my feelings but i think she needs some more time to figure out and i had no problems with that as i knew she will realize sooner or later and till them i will keep my feelings to myself.

We went back inside and decided to watch movies. To my surprise we both share common love for Bollywood. We decided to watch DDLJ (dil wale dulhaniya le jayenge). About an hour later i felt her head on my solder i moved in a way to give her more space to become comfortable after around 20 min i felt her hand on my chest and she leaning in more close. I looked towards he to find her in deep sleep already. I wrapped my hands around her and decided to let her sleep i gently kissed her forehead making sure not to wake her up.

Ditya's POV

The next morning i woke up to something different. I can two strong arms around me i can feel a strong body on which i am leaning and i can smell the most addictive cologne. I didn't have to open my eyes to know who this person it. All the events from the last night started playing through my mind. His words rang into my mind. I am special. Wow. Just then my emotions started working in weird ways. I still have to make peace with them. Anyways i saw him sleeping in most uncomfortable position ever i got up to which he didn't move i got to know he was in deep sleep. I looked at the clock it showed 6 am, he can have few more hour of sleep. So i just made him lie-down and put a comforter over him to which snugged. I realised its Saturday today and i don't have office to attend. I sat there with my laptop and worked on few things. I decided to skip my workout session took a quick bath and made breakfast for both of them.

Virat's POV

As i woke up i realized i was not at home and then everything from last night came running into my mind. I remember myself sleeping with ditya in my arms  but now she is no where to be seen. I checked my phone it was around 10 in the morning. Then i saw ditya coming out of the kitchen. I can see she has already taken bath as she was not wearing the same clothes. She was wearing a black tee shirt with Minnie mouse and white shorts. I have rarely seen her in casuals. As most of the dinners or outings we went on with our friends or all by our self i use pick her up right after office where she wears formal dresses, pants and shirts. I realized she looks pretty in everything she wears. Her beauty is effortless.

D: Finally someone decided to woke up.

V: sorry i guess tiredness took over me.

D: i am just kidding its ok now get up. And yes you can use that washroom  I have also kept a new toothbrush for you. And come fast breakfast is served and getting cold.

She pointed towards the guest room and the washroom adjoining it. I quickly brushed my teeth's and came back to yet another heavenly meal.

V: Ditya you are spoiling me with all this great food. I am so gona miss this.

D: don't worry i will cook some more once you be back but only if you will win all three series and get generous amount of man of the matches.

V: Ok. Deal done. Anyways i should leave now I have to pack. I have my flight at 2 am tonight.

I said rather informed her. And there was a silence for few minutes.

D: ok veer. Will see you tonight before you leave.

Ditya's POV

I sat by myself all day doing nothing. My mind just wouldn't let be at peace. My heart was telling me another story. I eyes fell on the papers on the table i need to sign them to expect my nomination for the award. If i do so i have to work really hard for the entire next year but this is what i wanted right, i will do it. I picked up the pen and signed the papers.

As soon as i did that my thoughts became very selfish. Deep within i knew i loved veer. Not from today but forever somewhere i felt keeping a check on my feelings would be best thing to do now. I have an important year ahead of me so did he why to complicate what we have now. My heart told me i am being a bitch and thinking all this to logically but then my mind told me with or without commitment and confession of each others feeling we both have each other than what's the need of words? Why do we even have to express?

Virat's POV

I packed my stuff and was all set to leave for two entire months. The only relief was yuvi paji's wedding. Yes my own yuvi paji was getting married. Unfortunately i will not be able to attend the entire marriage not all the functions which are to be held but will try my level best to be there for him. I was about to leave and the door bell rang. Kaka came and told me its Ditya. I literally came running downstairs.

D: careful veer. Careful. 

She almost screamed looking at me.

V: I knew you will come.

D: i had to. I didn't wanted to go without a proper good bye and the media will not let that happen at the airport.

V: thanks for coming Diti. It means a lot.   

D: ok now listen to me. Just focus on your game. Leave the rest up to me. And let me know if you need me for anything i am always just a phone call away. As for all your contracts and finances we are all set as of now i will update you if needed.

V: you know ditya. You are saviour. And yeah see you at yuvi pa's wedding.

D: Thanks and of curs its going to me my brother's wedding after all. Oh my god i am so excited. You will be able to make it to the wedding right?

V: of curs. I will try my level best. We have a break around that time. Lets see.

I can see how excited she was for yuvi pa's wedding and so she wanted me to be there as well. I was a little uncertain about it though.

D: ok now lets go. I will drop you to the airport.

We reached airport. She got out of the car and hugged me good bye. We knew the cameras were on us but that's the last thing we wanted to worry about.

D: i will miss you veer. Take care of yourself and be back soon. See you.

She said loud enough so that only i can hear. I hugged her back with equal intensity.

V: will miss you to and will be back soon. You be safe and take care. Don't work to much.

And with that i moved ahead. I turned back once again to see the last thing i wanted to see two tiny little tears in her eyes. She loved me i know.

Ditya's POV

I have just made a decision on not getting things complicated and already regretting it. Its almost the time for him to leave i have to meet him. I just took my car and drove straight to his place. I came to the airport to drop him with all courage but here i am standing with tears in my eyes for the love of my life. In this moment i knew i love this man. Its going to be very tough.

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