Chapter 49

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Last four hours went in a blink. Non of them left Ditya’s side and stayed in the hospital waiting for doctor to comment on her condition.

Those four hours were the longest four hours of Virat’s life. His eyes were blood shot red. His body was stoned. The last time he spoke to someone was Ditya’s dad 3 hours back. After that he just sat at the corner of the bench staring in space. They all chose to leave him alone for a while and didn’t said anything to him.

All he could think of is the beautiful memories with her. Her angelic face. Her smile which always reached her eyes. Her carefree laughs which can fill any heart with warmth and love. All the people standing right in front of him was a living proof of how loving she was and how everyone loved her back the same way. 

The memories was floating over his brain

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The memories was floating over his brain. As he saw Dr. Saaj walking out he ran towards her with hopes in his eyes.

V: Dr. How is Ditya?

Dr. Saaj: Mr. Kohli I need to talk to you. Can you please come with me.

Looking at the worried expression of Dr. Saaj Msd thought it would not be the best idea to send him alone. So he joined him and they both walked behind the dr.

After reaching Dr. Saaj’s cabin they all made them self comfortable on chairs but for Virat and Msd comfort was nom existing at this moment of time.

Msd: Dr. Please tell us what it is?

He said trying to remain calm.

V: yes doctor tell us how is she? This silence is killing us now.

Dr.: Mr. Kohli was there anything unusual about her health in past few days?

V: nothing major but yeah she has started skipping meals and complained of being tired all the time.

Dr.: Oh ok!!

V: buy how dose that relates to all this doctor.

Dr: Mr. Kohli Ditya is stable now but because of a severe head injury she is unconscious. Or I should say she is in temporary coma.

V: What??

His throat felt unusually dry as if his breath got struck there.

Dr.: Yes Mr kohli. She can hear us she can feel our presence but her body is not responding. Now the thing is that if she will not regain her conscious in next 24 hours she will slip into a permanent coma and you never know when she will be back from that state.

Tears came beaming  down his cheeks. He was not able to believe what she has just said.

V: no this can not be possible. She has to wake up she can not slip off like that. She can’t do that to me.

Msd: Virat kuch nahi hoga usse we will go and talk to her she has to come back to life she has to come back to us. She is not going any where.

Dr. Saaj: Mr. Kohli there is something else I want to tell you.

Virat was not even in the condition to respond so he just nodded his head.

Dr. Saaj: Ditya was pregnant and you lost your child.

She said all in one breath as she herself was getting emotionally involved in it but being a doctor she can’t afford it.


His heart stopped pumping for few second’s. It took him a while to absorb what has just happened. There was pin drop silence in the room.

Msd: But these guys never told us.

Mahi said confused.

V: I was not even aware.

He said coming out of the trance.

Dr. Saaj: I think even Ditya was not aware as it was only two weeks pregnancy. And all those things you told me are the early pregnancy symptoms. I am sorry Mr. Kohli I tried but since the it was a very early stage of pregnancy we were not able to save your child.

Virat just hung his head down and broken down like this was the end to his world. He sobbed like a little baby.

Mahi was equally shocked and was out of mind unaware of how to react. After a while he regained his composer and held Virat by his shoulders and  escorted her out of the doctor’s cabin.

All of them were standing there and waiting for them to come out and let them Know what doctor have to say about Ditya. But he was devastated and could face anyone. He just shrank down on the floor crying like no tomorrow. Aunty couldn’t see his son breaking like that. She ran upto him and held him in her arms. He cried like a little baby hugging her.

V: Aunty I failed. I failed Ditya yours my parents her parents everyone’s trust.  I failed badly. I am the culprit aunty I am responsible for all this. 

Aunty kept hugging him. And tried pacifying him.

Aunty: beta shant ho ja… and tell me what happned? What did doctor said.

Uncle: Mahi what did doctor said?

Msd: Papa wo….

He narrated everything what doctor said. He himself was not able to hold it anymore and fee tears made the way out of his eyes as well.

The entire bunch of people went silent. They all were motionless for a while. All of them could not believe what they have heard. By this time Ditya’s parents have also arrived. And they broke down when they heard the news.

Uncle took charge of the situation.

Uncle: kids I know what we have just heard is very unfortunate but now we have to get our Ditya back. We can’t just let her slip away like that.

Sakshi who was crying uncontrollably wipped her tears and got up from her seat with all the confidence in the world.

Sak: Dad is right. We can’t just sit here and pray we have to make a move.

Rohit: But what we will do?   

Sak: Doctor said she can hear us. We all will go one by one and talk to her we will try to get her back.

Yuvi: She is right. Lets do this we have to get her back.

(Ok so here Ditya can not talk or react but she can hear them i will pit her reactions in italic. Its just what she is thinking and what she wants to say but unable to. So she is saying all this in her mind and we are kind of reading her mind. Hope you guys got it!! 😕)

Hazel: me and yuvi will go first.

Sak: ok.

Yuvi and hazel went in and there was a sudden pang in there heart. She was laying there all life less.

Yuvi stood beside her and and stocked her head ever so lightly.

Yuvi: Diti my baby sis please be come back to us. We need you diti you just can’t do this to us.

Hazel: Diti yuvi always says you are a fighter and trust me you really are. Fight back this one time for us.

Yuvi: haven’t I been a good brother to you? Can’t you just do this for me? Please diti come back. Tu nahi to kisko main bhabhi bhabhi karta tease karunga?

And they both broke down in tears.

D: No yuvi Bhai & hazel. Please don’t cry. And yuvi bhai you have been the best brother I could have asked for. I so want to come back to you guys but this damn body of mine is not listing to my brain. Please don’t cry.

They both stayed there for a while and came out seeing no response from her.

Next were Msd and Sakshi. They also took Ziva with them as they knew she loved her and will defiantly react to her.

Msd: Ditya you can’t do this to us. You have always brought smiles on our faces now please don’t make us go through this pain.

Sak: Diti you have been the best sister the best friend I can ever have do you think I will be able to be without you around. You have been my support system Diti. Please Diti wake up from this sleep.

She said breaking down in tears. Mean while Ziva placed her tiny hands on Ditya’s.

D: oh my poor baby Ziva. How I want to get up give you the worlds tightest hug. Mahi bhai I am so sorry I don’t want you guys to suffer but things seems to be beyond my control. Sakku please be strong at least for me. I want to be with you as much as you want. But…

They too walked out reluctantly. Bhajji and geeta tried there luck but now use. Rohit and ritika tired too but no reaction from her.

It was his parents who went next and she didn’t even reacted to them as well.

Its been more then 14 hours of her unconsciousness and they only have around  10 hours left with them. After that she can anytime slip into a permanent coma.

Uncle and aunty walked in and sat next to her where she was lying almost lifeless.

Aunty took her hand and stroked it gently.

Aunty: Ditya bacche I know we all are asking you to wake up and come back but I will just tell you that if you will not wake up we all will move one eventually we all will make peace with ourselves one day or the other but there is one person for whom you mean the world.

Uncle: bacche be back for him. I might sound selfish to you but the truth is if something will happen to you we will loss him as well. He will never be able to forgive himself.

Aunty: Ditya my child be back for your Virat. You are his strength you are his life you are what keeps him going you brought the light back to his life now please don’t leave him in darkness once again. 

They sobbed there eyes out and sat there next to her for a while.

D: uncle aunty trust me I know what he must be going through right now. I myself can feel the pain which he must be going through. How I wish I could see him. How I wish I can feel his strong arms around me.

Uncle and aunty came out getting no reaction from her.

Uncle: Virat beta you go in.

V: No uncle I can’t face her. Its me because of whom she is in this condition. How can I ???

Msd: But its you who she needs the most Virat. You must go in.

V: Bhai I just can’t.

Dad: Beta Virat on the day of wedding you have promised me that you will always be there for my daughter now it’s the time to prove your words.

Mom: yes beta its not you who is responsible for all this why are you even blaming yourself. Go to her beta.

Sak: they are right Virat. Moreover we all believe that no matter what she has to come back if you will ask her to.   

Yuvi: Go for it Cheeku meri bhabhi ko wapas le aa ja.

Yuvi said on a lighter  note to encourage him to face her.

Ro: yes Virat go talk to her she will definitely react to you. 

V: Ok I will go.

With a heavy heart and his breaths getting unsteady he entered the room where she was kept. 

Something cracked within him looking at her state. There were several pipes around her which were piercing through her body. There were lots of monitors and devices attached to her body. She was so petite that he could hardy see her body in the bed beneath those white sheets. A huge bandage wrapped on her head which had faint stains of blood on that.

He took small steps and approached her. He placed his hand lightly on hers and with in few seconds he could feel her hands getting warm replacing the icy cold ones. That moment redefined the definition of bond they shared. Ditya reacted to his mare touch.

He sat still for a while gathering all the courage in the world to talk to her

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He sat still for a while gathering all the courage in the world to talk to her.

D: Don’t be surprised Veer. I would have recognised your touch even if I was dead right now I am only into a state of unconsciousness. And what have you done to yourself. You look so messed up. Your eyes are swollen.

He held her hand carefully with both of his hands. 

V: Diti I am sorry. Its all because of me. I am your culprit. Only if I would have taken those threats more seriously. I am so sorry Ditya I failed you I failed your trust. I am sorry jaan I failed as a husband as a friend as a lover. But please don’t punish me like this Diti please wake up.

D: No No No veer you don’t havs to be sorry for anything. Why are you holding yourself guilty. I know you are not at fault.

V: Ditya there is something else that I want you to know. You know what? I am a pathetic person. Not only as a husband today I also failed as a father. You were expecting. We were pregnant but we lost our child in this accident Ditya. 

He couldn't hold that in. He has to tell her that. She has every right to know and some where deep with in he was slightly hopeful that this news is gona get her back to her consious self.

He broke down badly. And just then all the monitors and machines attached to her body started flickering. She was getting unstable.

D: What Veer?? No veer this can not be possible? I never even knew I was pregnant and even if I was How can I loss our child? Tell me you are saying it just to wake me up. No veer no this can not happen.

Ditya applied all her mental strength to wake up from that unwanted sleep. She tried her level best. For him. His Veer. She knew what he must have been going through. First he was holding himself responsible for her condition and now he thinks he was the one because of whom they lost there child. She can’t let him slip into the deep sea of guilt. She has to wake up. He needed her.

Looking at all the fluctuations on the monitors Virat panicked and called out for doctor.

V: Doctor!! Doctor!!

Soon the doctor cams and asked him to wait outside. He reluctantly moved out of the room to join others in the hall way and wait for the doctor for update. 


Guys i am not a doctor so i am sorry if this chapter is medically incorrect.

Ok so here we go guys the 50th update of this book.

I know it was bit of a painful & sad one but trust me its going to get better. Our Ditya and Virat are experiencing different aspects of relationship right now, which I think is very important. 

I request you guys to please drop in your comments and let me know how did you found the update. Anything which you liked or didn’t liked about it. Trust me your comments means the world to me.

*Hugs and Kisses*.

A big big big thank you for almost 14k reads. I didn’t expected it when I have started this book. I love you all so much.


And I say these days check out my other book if you haven’t yet. And donlet me know in the comment section if you liked it or not.


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