Chapter 26

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Unedited. With lots of mistakes. Read it on your own risk :P


The next tour was around the corner. The team will be leaving in next 10 days. Virat and all the other team members were putting in all there efforts in practice sessions and on the other hand Ditya was giving her best to her work. They are some how still trying to find sometime for each other. Today Ditya had to go for a party at the party she felt so bored that he called Virat and he being who he is came right at the venue to pick her up.

D: You crazy or what veer? Koi dekh leta to? All the media guys were there. That was so close.

V: Come on Diti. You were bored and that matters nothing else. We can’t hide things for ever right? I guess we should tell world the truth. What to you think? Are you comfortable with that?

D: Why won’t i be comfortable veer. Of curs i to want the same but not before our friends. They have every right to know all this before anyone else.

V: tomorrow is Mahi bhai’s birthday party. Sakshi bhabhi have a pool party planed for him in the morning followed by a party in the evening. Lets do it then. All my current and ex team mates will be there. Also the media will be there.

D: ok I have no problem with that. Be ready  you have to face the media.

The next day was the pool party was kind of surprise for Msd by his wife. The party only consist of the close friends  the party in the evening is going to be much elaborated one. Ditya called Virat for last min confirmation.

D: ok veer so i am here with sakshi. We are just doing some final touch-up to the preparations. I will call you once its all done. Your job is to bring Mahi bhai to the venue without letting him know. Its a surprise for him ok.

V: I know diti now stop saying the same thing again and again. I am not 10 years old kid. Ok? Now go and call me once you guys are done.

After all the preparations were done Virta got mahi bhai to the venue all his team mates were already there. As soon as the entered the pool area all shouted on top of there voices “surprise”. Ditya was no where to be seen. Virat’s eyes were searching for her and there she comes with the cake in her hands looking drop dead hot.

He was stoned for few seconds

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He was stoned for few seconds. She always manages to look beautiful effortlessly but today she was looking hot. As soon as it registered in her mind that what she was wearing he looked at everyone’s face and all of them were equally surprised. For once he didn’t liked her wearing those clothes but it was pool party what else do you expect he slapped himself mentally.

She placed the cake carefully on the table and gave mahi a hug and wished him happy birthday. Virat noticed that hardik rahul karun are still staring at her. He felt like announcing right there that she belongs to only him and no one can look at her like that. Yuvi standing next to virat noticed all this.

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