Chapter 5

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Ditya's POV

As soon as I reached Dhoni residence, I was welcomed by Mahi bhai.

I exchanged some pleasantries and walked inside I saw sakshi, Uncle, Aunty and a guy with his back towards me sitting in the drawing room. I tried to figure out who it can be but was unable to.

Sakshi came forward and gave me the worlds tightest hug.

Sak: I am so glad you came.

I bet down and touched uncle aunty's feet to take their blessings.

There is something about this house. These people will welcome you in world's most warm way possible.

My eyes now drifted towards the guy. He was none other than Virat Kohli.

Oh my god! Is this a dream or what?

It's not that I have not seen him before but I was not expecting him here, not now.

I was his huge admirer and my fan girl from within started jumping up and down. "God I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Please save me." I talked to myself.

Msd: ahhmm Ditya. This is Virat. I hope you remember him? And Virat this is Ditya Sharma.

D: Hello Mr. Kohli. I am a huge admirer of yours.

I said trying hard to hide my nervousness.

V: Hi Miss Sharma. Thanks.Heard a lot about you.

D: I hope all the good stuff.

V: of course.

Oh my my! He was handsome, more then what he looks on TV or a very few pictures of him available on social media.

Those big brown eyes, a well defined jaw line, his hairs.... I was drooling like a teenager. Trying my level best to stay calm.

Sak: do you guys remember each other or no?

V: yes I do.

What!!! He remembers. How? I thought he must have forgotten..

D: yeah!! That's all I managed to say.

Aunty: ok kids lets go and have breakfast now.

With that being said we all proceeded towards the dining area.

Virat's POV

Ok so here she is. I was able to hear her voice. Her voice had a certain charm to it. And then she came and met uncle aunty took their blessing. I figured out that she is not only well educated but well cultured also. She was very beautiful indeed. If not business woman she could have been India's top actress. She was wearing a simple outfit and almost no makeup yet there was a grace and positivity in her appearance. Her not so big brown eyes were the most honest and lively thing I have ever seen.

As bhai introduced us she said hello in the most polite way I have ever heard. She told me she admires me. That's what caught my attention. Everyone says they are my fan but she with utmost honesty told me she admires me. That honesty reflected in her eyes.

With exchange of few smiles and words I realised that this is the most I have every talked to an unknown person in a while, and rather been awkward it was kind of comforting.

After a while bhabhi and Ditya served us breakfast. She asked aunty to sit and helped bhabhi with it.

After a while they also joined us she sat next to bhabhi opposite me. She took Ziva from bhabhi's arms and started feeding her. I just saw the most innocent thing in front of me. I was thinking how someone can be so good in getting along with the eldest to the youngest member of the family.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now