Chapter 23

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This chapter is mostly going to be in third persons POV as i wanted to capture the reaction of both Virat and Ditya together.


All the elders were chatting about random stuff. Virat was still trying to figure out what’s wrong with Mahi and sakshi. Ditya chose to ignore all of it and was playing with Ziva.

Su: Kids come here we have something to discuss with you?

Ditya knew there is something big behind this “ we need to discuss”

Ditya’s mom started with “ kids i know whatever we are going to say will be a bit surprising for you but we don’t want you guys to be judgemental or to make a quick opinion about this”

Yes just listen to what we have to say then take your time to tell us what you feel about this. Said Ditya’s father. Virat and Ditya gave them a blank look. He continued. “ you guys might know that virat’s parents Singh uncle and aunty your mom and me have been friends even before you guys were born. We had mahi mahi's elder brother and virat but when ditya was born all of us were over joyed. The moment Ditya was born saroj ji and ditya shared a very special bond which continued till the day she was alive. She loved ditya.”

This all was not making sense to nither Ditya nor Virta as they were pretty much aware of these things. They were still confused and blank.

Singh uncle said “ and one day when all of us were together for Ditya’s birthday the last time we saw them alive she said she wants to get you both married once you guys grow up. Kids we consider it as there last wish and want you to fulfil it. Though we will not force you for anything but please consider what we have just said and take your decision”

Both of there faces turned pale listening to what is just been said. They were shocked to the core. Ditya gasped covering her mouth with her hands. Virat still looked lost and blank as if he is still trying to process the information given to him in his head but unable to. The silence prevailed. No body was saying anything. No body was even moving. A tear tickled down ditya’s eyes she herself was unsure why?

Virat and ditya both looked at each other there eyes were locked as if they are trying to figure out what has just happened in in each others eyes. Ditya locked away and tried to look into the eyes of her parents and uncle aunty. They were looking at them with all the hopes in the world. Virat locked at mahi bhai and sakshi bhabhi they gave a reassuring look. No body broke the silence.

After around 5 10 min of awkward silence. Msd said “ Ditya virat lets go outside we need to talk. Sakshi come with us.” He looked at there parents asking for permission if he can talk to them they gave him a positive look.

They all came outside in the garden and sat on the chairs around a table kept in the garden. Ditya felt a bit better she was able to breath finally. Virat was still fighting with his own thoughts. Even the mention of his parents was enough to make him upset here they are discussing there last wish and that to getting married.

MSD being the brother figure to both of them understood the situation. “guys i’ll be honest with you. I was aware of this. Dad told us last night. I know you guys will think why haven’t i told you guys. Its because some how i too feel that you guys should be together. I mean come on we all know you both like each other understand each other then why not? And as the elders said we will not force you but give it a thought guys not everyone gets a chance to be with there best friend forever.”

Virat knew whatever he is saying completely makes sense he not only like but loves Ditya but this is not how he wanted all this to happen. He was not even sure about how Ditya feels about him, about all this.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now