Chapter 24

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Its been two days since the wedding proposal thing happened. Virat managed to ease out Ditya. She is now ok with the fact or should say happy with the fact that they are getting engaged and eventually getting married. After all the assurance from Virat that nothing will change. Virat can see a certain kind of happiness and excitement in her eyes though she is still a bit confused. Virat went to her place yesterday as her parents wanted to discuss something about the rituals and stuff. Singh uncle and aunty will be performing all the rituals from Virat’s end they wanted him to invite his paternal grand parents and family but he refused as after his parents they never kept any contact with him or didn’t even bothered to look back at him and he only loved the Dhoni’s as his own family.

Though virat have convinced Ditya that they will make this relationship work but  he himself is very nervous. He knows its gona be difficult. He loved ditya but wanted to know her a little more before stepping into the institution of marriage. He wanted to know all her good memories the bad once her fears her strengths her flaws her dreams everything and wanted to love her for all the things. But guess the destiny has something else for them. Now he have  life time to understand her. Even the thought of spending his life with her was making him super happy. She has always been his saviour since the time she has walked into his life. She has always given him so much positivity and have made his life easy and simple. Today he truly believe that a mother knows her child the best and guess that is why his mother has chosen her for him.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even noticed his phone was ringing.

It was sakshi bhabhi.

Sak: Virat where were you?? Kabse I am calling you.

V: sorry bhabhi I was a bit lost.

Sak: ohh abhi se day dreaming about your wife.

He heard chuckle in the back ground and realized he was on a speaker phone and there are multiple people present on the other side.

V: Who all are there with you Bhabhi?

Msd: We all are here cheekes at your would be fiancée’s place. Me sakshi yuvi hazel bajji geeta and of curs your ditya. Planning your engagement while you are day dreaming.

The word my ditya sent a sudden shiver of happiness into his body. He blushed a little at the mention of day dreaming.

They were not sure that how we were going to announce there engagement to the world so he and ditya have decided to keep mum and wait for correct time and opportunity to announce the same. But yuvi pa and bajji pa being there brother figures they didn’t had the heart to hide it from them.

Yuvi: oye chikuu listen from today onwards me and bhajji have decided we will still protect Ditya like our little sister from the world and of curs you but will call her BHABHI as you came in first in our life as a brother.

Bajji: yes final. Ditya bhabhi.

D: Stop it! Will you guys??

He heard the most awaited voice he wanted to here. He smiled like and idiot.

Hazel: you guys remember the reason we called him.

Sak: ok coming to the point virat. So as momma said its a tradition that on the engagement the bride wears cloths and jewellery bought by the grooms side so you have to take Ditya for shopping. And also get her the ring of her choice.

V: ok Bhabhi. Ditya when would you like to go?

Yuvi: oh ho abhi se you are going by her will. Good going champ.

D: stop it yuvi bhai. And virat i am available all day today and tomorrow let me know once you are available.

V: Ok. How about now. I will come and pick you up?

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now