Chapter 58

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Virat sensed the urgency of the situation. He made her sit on the couch and settled on the floor in front of her. He held both her hands in his.

She immediately felt relief surrounding her. This was the magic of there bond.

V: Ditya tell me what is bothering you?
D: Virat I am not sure how you will react to it? And I don’t want you to be impulsive judgmental and  impatient about all this.
V: sunshine you are scaring the shit out of me. Please tell me.
D: ok but promise me you will listen to me first and then react.
V: I always do that.
D: yeah so listen. I was feeling all kind of weird and  my periods are over due for around two weeks.
V: that means..
He said getting all excited.
D: that means I can be pregnant. But..
V: But what Ditya…?? Are you not sure yet??
D: I went to the doctor today she asked me to take the test but Virat I don’t know why I am scared of the results.
He read confusion pain and horror written all over her face. He got up and settled next to her wrapped his arm around her petite figure.
V: let it all out. I wanna know what’s bothering my super strong and positive Diti.
D: Virat we have been through a lot. And we may not say it out loud but we have been waiting for this to happen ever since we have lost our first child. I am scarred what if the test comes out as negative.

V: Diti its all in gods hands. We are no one to control what he has planned for us. And to be honest yes we have waiting for it since so long but we have to take the test in order to find out if its positive or negative. Isn’t? And sunshine we will always be there for each other no matter what the result be.
D: Virat??
She said still very uncertain. And sobbing a little on his chest.

V: yes love.
He said while patting her head which was resting against his chest.
D: The other thing which scares me is will we be good parent to our kid?
V: why you have a doubt on that?
He said getting a little offended. He was surprised with the question itself.
D: please don’t get me wrong but as you know I never had the most ideal example of parents while growing up. I don’t know and understand what it takes to be a good mother to the kid. I know money business power is not as important as kids but I do have a business to look after a business to which dad and uncle has given so many years , I have invested all my energies just to not let the name of dad go down. Even after kid I just can’t leave it like that also I can’t have my kid ignored. You do understand that your career demands you to travel a lot will I be able to play both the roles in your absence. Won’t you miss the major part of our child’s upbringing.

Virat was spellbound with her words. Each and every thing she said was true. To be honest he has never thought about all this and he was surprised to know that she has put so much thoughts into this. But he has answer for all her questions. He wanted her to believe all he was going to say, so he cupped her face and looked straight into her eyes.

V: Ditya each and every concern you raised is genuine but let me tell you this you might not have the best example of parents while growing up but you have got all your values right and I am proud of you for that

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V: Ditya each and every concern you raised is genuine but let me tell you this you might not have the best example of parents while growing up but you have got all your values right and I am proud of you for that. I know you can’t just let business be and trust me I don’t want you to because just like being a mother or a wife it is part of your identity and I know that there can never be a better working mom than you. You have it all what it takes to bring a balance between home and work. And as for me, the demand of my career is something out of my hands but trust me Ditya I will do my best to be a great dad. About you playing both roles I know you would be the best in that too.

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