Chapter 7

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Ditya's POV

As I walked in I saw all of them were present with mix emotions of serious and hopeful on their faces. I can clearly sense the stress in the environment. I don't know why but my eyes reached Virat's and he smiled at me. It was a reassuring smile. I was unable to figure out why he gave me that smile

Su: Ditya, my child I want to discuss or rather I want to ask you for something.

D: yeah uncle sure.

Su: I hope you will think about this and then answer me.

D: yes uncle tell me what it is?

Su: Ditya I want to retire. And I want you to take over my place. I want you to look after Prem's business and Virat's stuff as well.


That was the only response I was able to manage. I was not able to sink it all that at once. I sat there shocked. Unaware of how should I react. There were 1000 questions going on my mind all at once and I guess uncle sensed it.

Su: Ditya the thing is me and Virat cannot trust anyone with all this and we want the best person to take this over and when I thought about best there was only one name which comes to mind and that was yours. I know it's different than what you have been doing till now and you will have the addition responsibility of handling Virat's deals agreements and finances but trust me you are the only person who can do it.

Singh uncle sounds convincing but still I was in state of shock. He is asking me to take a decision which I am not even able to think about correctly. Sakshi my saviour came to my mind.

D: uncle can I take some time? can I have a word with sakshi and mahi bhai before I make any decision.

Su: sure.

Sak: let's go my room.

Next moment I was in sakshi's room along with Mahi bhai.

D: guys I don't know what is happening and how should I react.

Msd: Ditya, I know it's a big decision for you but take my words as dad said there can never be a better person than you to take care of this responsibility.

Sak: just don't push yourself into something Ditya for the sake of it, think and then take a decision we will all respect your decision. I trust your decision making capabilities. And diti I don't want to influence your decision in anyway but you remember the last conversation between you and his mom, maybe now it makes sense.

There we go. Now since she said that I think I have understood what her mother Saroj aunty said years ago. I made my decision.

D: thanks sakshi. I think I have made my decision.

Just then we heard a knock on the door.

Virat's POV.

I thought I should go and talk to her in person. I was about to knock the door and I heard Bhabhi say. "And Diti I don't want to influence your decision in anyway but you remember the last conversation between you and his mom, maybe now it makes sense." I am over hearing to many conversations today.

Last conversation with my mother. What did she told her? I knew my mother was very fond of her as she has mentioned it to me like 100 times. But what was that last conversation was about? And she made up her mind already because of that. It had to be something very big and interesting. I felt like asking it right away but brushed that thought away.

I knocked the door and went in.

Msd: Oh Virat come inside.

D: Mr. Kohli.. :O

V: actually I wanted to talk to Miss Sharma. If you guys don't mind.

D: no that's ok. Tell me.

As she said that Mahi bhai and Bhabhi left the room.

V: Miss Sharma. I know this is a very big decision and it came all of a sudden. Trust me I was as surprised as you are right now. All I wanted to say is you are talented and have achieved so much things in such a short span of time that this will be an opportunity for you to discover and concur more challenges.

D: Is this the only reason you want me to pick this up Mr. Kohli.

V: I trust you with this Miss Sharma

D: and why is that so?

I was flattered with her bold and straight forward questions.

V: your eyes tell me to do so.

I said and again i don't know why?

There was an awkward silence in the room, and my Miss confident Sharma broke it. Wait !! did I just said "my". There is something wrong with me for sure.

D: Ok Mr. Kohli let's go I want to announce my decision.

V:Miss Sharma if in case the answer is yes I would also like to mention that there will be lot of travelling required please keep that in consideration. I don't want you to regret anything later.

D: I have already kept everything in consideration.

We both came downstairs and all the eyes were fixed on us.

D:Uncle I am going it to take the burden of your shoulders. I am in.

Su: Thank you so much Ditya my child I knew you would not let me down. So from when you can start.

D: I need two days time to finish off with stuff at my previous office.

Su: that's sounds fine. What say Virat?

V: yes uncle that sounds perfect.

I was so happy that she said yes. Now I will get to see this face more often I will get to feel this positivity more often. She broke the silence again.

D: Ahhhhmmmm Mr.Kohli

V: yes!!

D: my ways of working are little different than others. I know it's your business and all but as long as I am taking care of it it's my baby and I will give it my 500% and would expect at least 100% from your end. I work for perfection Mr Kohli and I get it to the T's. My work is my identity and I am very particular about it.

I can see the Business woman or I should say a business beast coming into picture. I can feel the firmness in her expressions and voice. I can feel the passion. And I saw another side of Miss Sharma. I am now slowing getting why uncle said she is just perfect.

V: Not a problem Miss Sharma. I will try to not let you down.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now