Chapter 59

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Dr saaj was shocked herself when she broke the news to them. She did something, she thought she will never do in her medical career. She has got up from her place reached upto Ditya. She took her hand...

Dr: Ditya & Virat I am really sorry to say this but you guys have to make a choice.

V: what choice doctor?

Dr: this pregnancy and delivering the baby is risky for Ditya. There are chances that...

D: chances that....??

Dr: You might lose your own life. You are at risk.

There was a pin drop silence in the room for few minutes. It was like an earthquake for both Virat and Ditya. They have waited for this day for this baby for three long years. They both were over the moon happy. Never in their life have they expected that they will be in such situation. Ditya regained her composure faster than Virat , who was still dazed and have not moved an inch.

Ditya wiped her tears.

D: what are the chances of my survival doctor?

Dr: I will be honest with you guys. 40 %. I know its tough for both of you but I will still give you time. sleep over it and let me know. Ok?

D:Ok doctor.

With that Ditya dragged virat out of doctors room. The ride to home was a silent one. They both were so occupied and emotionally shaken that they didn't had the courage and energy to communicate.

As soon as they reached home instead of going inside the house Ditya made his way towards the garden Virat followed her silently.

Tears were running down her cheeks. Surprisingly today Virat wasn't comforting her, he didn't had the courage, he was not sure himself of what to say. After a while Ditya broke the silence.

D: Virat the decision is been taken.

V: Diti remember its us who have to make the decision.

He said knowing what she must have decided.

D: Virat... we are going to have the baby. I am not killing my baby, no matter what.

V: have you lost it Ditya? Giving birth to the baby clearly means putting your life at risk. I can't afford to lose you.

D:do you mean you want to kill our own baby Virat?

V: yes because I don't have a choice.

D: I don't know when you have become so selfish Virat?

V: I am not being selfish Diti. You are being crazy. We can have babies. We have a life ahead of us Ditya. Why don't you understand? I have nothing to lose after you? You mean the world to me and I can't keep your life on stake.

D: Virat being good parents means you will protect your kids before anything. And here look at you. You are already planning to kill our yet to be born baby.

V:I wanted this baby more than you wanted it, but not at the cost of your got damn life.

Virat ran his hand in his hairs out of frustration.

D: there are still chances that I will survive. Why are you not looking at the brighter side of it? And even if I die I know you will raise our kid just right.

V: Ditya the chances of your survival are only 40% do you even understand. And yes I wanted to raise my kids but with you ditya not alone. I will not be able to do it. please try to understand.

He said clutching his head in his hands; it was getting beyond impossible to convince Ditya. Back of the mind he knew that Ditya is not going to give up.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now