Chapter 16

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Author's POV

Days went by. And now it was time for the tour of Cricket team. They had 3 back to back series. One in Bangladesh for 2 weeks and other two in India vs. South Africa and England. They will be travelling for almost 2 months playing cricket. All of them wanted to have some fun, friends and family time before they go. They all decided to meet somewhere and plan out.

Yuvi was not in the team but still wanted to have some time with his friends before they leave so he messaged in the group.

Yuvi: guys lets plan something you guys only have 10 days and after that you all will be gone for a while.

Rahul: yes guys lets plan something?

Msd: yes let's have tonight's dinner together and plan something over dinner.

Almost all of them answered with yes. Except for Ditya and Virat who have not responded yet.

YUVI: Ditya Virat you guys are coming right? Answer us?

Ditya was busy in some meeting but his phone kept buzzing. She excused herself and gone through the conversation real quick. And typed response.

Ditya: yes yuvi bhai I am in but will be a little late as I have work to finish. Text me the address where you guys plan to meet tonight I will be there.

Msd: now since Ditya has replied I guess its yes from virat's end as well.

Dhoni teased virat. Yuvraj joined in.

Yuvi: yes and he will be a little late to as Ditya has work to finish. Hain na Cheeku??

Sak: virat we know you are reading all this reply for god's sake. Added sakshi.

V: let's talk about the place for dinner tonight.

Virat replied ignoring all the things said and discussed above.


Virat's POV

Past few days

There was this great thing about Ditya. I can talk to her about anything and everything. I can discuss about all the things which are bothering me without even thinking that she would judge me. I have learnt a lot about her in this past month. But I should say she is a mystery box. One I think I am done understanding her I see another side of her. And I loved each of her side.

Yes I have fallen for her really hard but also I have grown a huge respect for her as a person and as a friend. I have found a true companion and a best friend in her.

So what has happened after sakshi's birthday?

I and ditya went out together to all most all the outings with friends, I wanted it that way the reason was that was only alone time we use to get by ourself ( the time when I use to pick her up and drop her off home ) we both never had time otherwise, that is when we use to have real talks because apart from that either I use to be in practice or gym and she use be in meetings or busy with work or else we use to be with our friends.

The other thing which have changed is I was spending more time with my friends and that was because of Ditya. Now since she was the part of the group and was always there in almost all the outings I never missed or skipped any of them myself. She was making me more social. I started getting comfortable around people. Uncle, Aunty, Mahi Bhai, bhabhi, kaka kaki all the people who have seen me transform from a friendly fun loving guy to a confined rude and anti-social guy were very happy to see her making me more social and gradually bringing me back to the normal world.

Everyone was already considering us as a couple. We tried explain everyone that we are just very good friends but no one ever gave up on teasing. So I had decided to have a word with ditya about the same.

We were sitting in her cabin in the office; she has called me there to sign some papers.

V: how many more Diti??

Yes I call her Diti and he calls me Veer. Diti sounds so cute just like her.

D: 5 more Virta. And you are not calling me Diti at my work place?

V: why Diti??

D: arrrgggrrr you are impossible Virat.

As soon as we were done with the papers. I pursued her to come with me to my home for a cup of coffee.

D: Veer how many times I have told you to at least read the papers before signing them?

V: And how many times I have told you that I trust you?

D: whatever.

V: ok listen I need to ask you something.

D: yeah tell me?

V: dose all this leg pulling and teasing about us being couple bothers you? Should we talk to our friends about this on a serious note?

D: No Veer.. I mean they are our friend's right? They didn't mean to offend us. So its ok! I don't think we should over react. Moreover they are our friends we can talk to them explain to them, but what about media Veer.. you na we are always there on internet and newspaper after every dinner of ours. So what is the use? Let it be. Let people think whatever they want to.

V: how can you be so sorted about everything Diti.

D: I don't know. She replied innocently.

Back to present

So as said and decided we are going for the dinner tonight and as always me and Ditya are going together.

Ditya's POV

A lot have changed in past few days. Me and virat are kind of inseparable in our free time. Today when Yuvi bhai mentioned that these guys will be away for about 2 months a sudden realization hit me. In all these days I grew so use to of his presence that I have forgotten that he travels a lot. I realized that is not only my Veer my best friend and companion but also the Vice caption on Indian cricket one day team and Caption of Indian test cricket team. He has his duties towards the nation and the country men who worshiped the game of cricket. I realized that I will miss Virat the most but I will also miss the others as well.

I said yes to the dinner plan without even giving it a second thought. And as soon as I replied I received another message. I knew it will be virat.

V: where should I pick you from??

D: you go I will manage. Will come by myself.

V: diti its at Rohit's place today and I am not going to let you drive all alone to that place as it's at the outskirts of the town and not safe.

D: I will have to do all this anyways when you will not be around. I am just getting back to the old me the me before you.

I replied and instantly regretted. I knew I said something which he is not gona like. But it was the pain of him going away which was talking not me I guess.

V: not until I am still here. 9:30 pm. I will be outside your house. Bye.

I knew he was hurt.


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