Chapter 18

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The next day they all decided to go beach and do some activities and water sports. Ditya insisted to be at home and relax. She was not a beach person she liked mountains more. Everyone was against the idea of letting her alone but she said she wanted some alone time and all of them agreed except for virat, so she agreed to join them by evening once they will be done with the water sports and stuff.

Ditya spend entire day relaxing watching movies listing to some good music. She was glad that she came on this holiday. She didn’t remember when was the last she came on a vacation or had time for herself. Virat before leaving made sure to lock her laptop in his room and took keys with him so that she can relax and not work for once. She loved the way he dose these small small things. She always craved for all this care and attention.

By the evening she decided to cook for everyone. She was an excellent cook and loved cooking but never got time but today when she had time she decided to cook a elaborated Indian dinner for all. Unknowingly ended up cooking all the things virat loved.

All came back tired by evening and were upset that she never joined them on beach specially Virat. She told everyone that she wanted to cook and thus skipped the idea to join them. They all went to their room quickly to get fresh and came down for dinner.

Virat’s POV

I was upset that she didn’t turned up to the beach as promised but i was glad to she her all relaxed and happy upon returning home. She looked happy and that was enough for me. She has even prepared dinner for all of us. I went up changed into fresh set of cloths came down and joined everyone on the dinner table.

She was no where to be seen. Sakshi bhabhi and others were serving the dinner with the help of house helps.

Mahi bhai was sitting next to me. He whispered.

Msd: she just went to her room. Will be back in few minutes .

V: What? I never said anything.

Msd: but i know you cheeks. And i know wht your eyes are searching for.

As soon as i looked at the dinner plate i was stunned to see almost all my favourite things in front of me. Paneer butter masala, mutter pullao, aloo k parathe and my very own kheer. I realized i have not eaten any of these in longest of the time. One because of my strict diet and fitness regime and two no matter how good kaki use to cook that can never meet the taste parameters set by my mother. I took a bite of the food and it was nothing but heavenly. The only thought came to mind was how a woman can be perfect in so many ways.

She was sitting with other girls of the gang, i didn’t wanted to make it uncomfortable for her so i quickly took my phone and typed a text.

V: Thanks for the lovely dinner. It was the best food i have eat after mum. You brought back so many memory. I am touched Diti.

As soon as she read the messaged she had happiness written all over her face with a hint of blushed. I love the effect i have on her. I saw her typing a reply.

D: I am glad you liked it.

We all were sitting in the patio in two groups. Girls and boys. Mahi bhai and me sitting next to each other. All the others were busy chit chatting just then mahi bhai said.

Msd: cheeku remember years ago when i met sakshi you asked me who dose “the happily ever after” looks and feels like. Let me show you something.

He pulled out his phone and shown me a picture of us. Me ditya and ziva. The one clicked on Terrace the other day. She was sleeping on the swing with ziva and i was sitting on my knees tucking the strand of her hairs behind her ear. God that was so perfectly clicked. These friends of mine are surely clicking most precious moment of my life on the most perfect timings. I looked at the picture for a while.

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