Chapter 50

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Almost after 40 longest minutes of everyone’s life they saw the doctor coming out.

Msd was the only man there who remained calm and was well aware of his surrounding.

Msd: Dr. How is Ditya is everything fine now?

Dr: she is fine now. Its kind of magic that has happened and she is out of coma. To be honest I have not seen something like this happen in my medical career. She is still very weak and need rest and no stress.

Msd: well doctor I guess its love that concurs all at the end of the day.

He said and looked at Virat and gave him a warm smile. Virat wiped his tears and gave Msd a hug. 

Dr: you can go and meet her make sure she doesn’t talks a lot.

Msd: thanks doctor.

And with that doctor left leaving all the happy faces behind. They all went in one by one to see her. All she manage to do was give them a smile. Non of them had the courage to raise the topic of her miscarriage.

Back of the mind she thanked god for giving her such and loving friends and family they have all stood by her when she needed them the most. There was a time when she even craved for the attention and love from one person and Virat has given her a whole world of such loving people.

After everyone was done meeting her she was waiting for just one person. That one person who needed her the most that one person she needs the most.

Msd and sakshi were the last people who have came to meet her.

Msd: we are so glad that you are ok now. Just take rest and don’t dare to stress yourself.

Ditya some how managed to speak.

D: Bhai Virat??

Msd: I will send him in.

As he came out he saw Virat standing right outside the door but reluctant to go inside. Virat saw MSD coming out and knew he will ask him to go and meet Ditya and he didn’t had the courage to do that so he tried to divert his attention.

V: Bhai everyone must be tired its better you should send everyone home.

Msd: I guess you are right. But before that you need to listen to me.

Just then Yuvi also joined the conversation.

Msd: Virat I know you are very affected with what has happened, you are shocked to the core but at the same time she needs you. You can’t keep running away from her.

Yuvi: he is right Virat. Just be with her that’s the most important thing to do right now.

V: I understand and I promise I will be with her and take care of her more than my life.

Msd: we trust you with that.

All of them understood the need of the hour and decided to leave them both alone. Also the presence of to many famous people in the hospital was causing a hassle. 

After everyone left Virat walked into the room. He walked upto her and sat beside her as soon as there eyes met he felt his soul getting pierced by her gaze.

Ditya can see the guilt and regret wrriten all over his face which she was hating the most at this moment. She knew it was not his fault but she also knew the kind of person he is, he will consider him to be the culprit. She just wanted him to get that burden of him. She wanted to talk to him about the same but this was definitely not the correct time for that.

He held her hand lightly and kept his head near the union of there hands.

V: I am sorry Diti. I failed. I failed as a husband. I failed as father. I was not able to protect you and our child. Please for give me if you can. I am even a culprit of my own baby who was not even born. How would I ask for forgiveness from him Diti?

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now