Chapter 12

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Virat’s POV

I thought a lot about what is happening to me why I am getting to attracted to this girl?

May be because she is too good. I mean look at her she is beautiful she is intelligent she is independent and confident. What else do you want in a person? I don’t know why but I felt like I might be getting way to ahead in my thoughts?

What if she is feeling uncomfortable with all the unprofessional behaviour I am showing in last two days. Am I making her feel uncomfortable? I was very frustrated with all these random thoughts going in my mind. I know it was too early but I think I have started LIKING her. I am getting used to her company and attention and its just been 2 days. What if she doesn’t likes me and my over friendly behaviour. I didn’t wanted to look like an idiot in front of her so that night I decided I will try to maintain distance from her and will behave professional.

For the next entire week I put myself completely into workout and practice. I was spending extra time on field and gym as well.

I spoke to her twice in that week about some contracts of mine. We didn’t even exchange messages on regular basis just few of them here and there. I don’t know why but it kind of ached. Somewhere deep within I was craving to see her. Its been 8 days I haven’t seen her in person.

I was feeling suffocated. I just came out of my house and decided to take a walk in the garden. I was lost in my own world. Debating within on my favourite topic these days. Ditya Sharma. This girl is not leaving my mind these days.

When I was tired walking I just sat on one of those benches in my garden. Suddenly I started feeling right. As if someone has just given me oxygen when I was feeling suffocated. I was wondering what is happening and just than I heard a voice. “ looks like someone is so busy that he is not even bothered to take my calls”

I knew this voice. This is the voice I was longing for. This is the voice I wanted to hear. I didn’t looked at her right away.  I wanted to get things registered into my mind perfectly so I waited for another 5 seconds to look at her. As soon as I turned back. There she was with smile on her face. The smile which made me feel good instantaneously. She was wearing an ankle length leggings and a black tee shirt with her hairs in a messy bun with no makeup at all. She took my breath away one more time. She was cuteness personified.

D: Virat!!! I am talking to you... where are you lost?

V: nothing. I mean I am here. Good to see you.

D: same here. And tell me why the hell you are not picking up your phone. I called you like 20 times already.

V:  I am so sorry. I think i forgot my phone in my room.

D: so forgetful. First you forgot me and now your phone.

Did she just said that? God this girl can be so expressive and straight forward. But dose that means she missed me as much as I missed her? I was feeling a little embarrassed and guilty for ignoring her because of my own stupid logics.

V: its not like that Ditya. I am sorry.

D: aree... with all this chit chat I forgot why I was here so Virat I am here for this contract of yours with the sports goods company. This is suppose to get renewed in two days. I forgot to remind you.

V: its ok ditya. We still have two days to work on that. And why are you always so worried about the work. Its already 10 pm you must be tired from the work at office. We will work on it tomorrow.

D: no Virat. We have to work on this today of course only if you want because tomorrow I have to finalise everything as I will not be here for a week from day after.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now