Chapter 11

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Ditya’s POV

My first day at new work place. This was the first thought which came into my mind when I woke up. I went to gym came back and got ready for the day.

The first  thing I did was to get my assistant Mira to my new office. She was my professional back bone. She was a dear friend as well. Its lots easy to function when she is around. And I can depend on her in crunch situations.

I went through my phone real quick. Mails, messages, notifications.

There were lots of them today. I knew this is gona happen. Anyways it doesn’t really matters to me. The only message important for me was from Sakshi.
Sak: “you have lot to explain. Picture and all haan.”

I knew what she mean by that and also knew she will understand when I will explain whatever has happened.

While I was going through messages I saw Virat’s name there. I thought of messaging him good morning but then I thought we are not even friends and why I would do that? On the first place why I was feeling like doing it? Just then I realised I am getting late for work. I left all my thoughts there and left home.

I reached office and found Mira was already there. I introduced her to rest of the staff and went into my cabin.

There were flowers on my desk with a note.

“May all your days in this office be as pleasant as these flowers. All the best for the first day and for the rest of the years you gona spend here. Virat”

I just blushed reading those words. God this man surly knows how to treat a woman right. How thoughtful of him.

Just then Mira entered my cabin.


M: selfie with him and his car on the first day. And flowers on the second. What’s the matter Ditya??

She asked with a playful smile.

D: he is just being nice that’s all.

M: oh really. Then you must be special because all of us knows he never gets nice with people.

D: shut up Mira.

M: anyways just wanted you to know that he himself came in to drop these flowers he is in the parking waiting for you. And you only have 10 minutes as the first meeting in next 10.

D: what he is here????

I was shocked. He came in just to drop those flowers and to wish me luck. OMG. I always use to wonder how cloud nine would feel. Today I am living it.

D: I will be back in 10.

I just rushed towards the parking.

There he was looking so cute and hot at the same time. He looked just out of the bed. He was messing around on his phone leaning on his car’s bonnet.

D: good morning Virat.

V: oh very good morning Ditya.

D: thanks for the flowers and the note.

V: anytime. Just wanted to wish you luck and say thank you.

D: thanks for what?

V: Ditya, I don’t really know much about business but I do know that this stuff is tough. You quit your comfortable job and took this position for us despite of knowing all the challenges it will bring to you. I can never thank you enough.

D: you know Virat, it was an honour that you guys thought I am capable enough to take this responsibility so thank you for providing me another challenge and chance to show my ability.

V: you are way too good with words. I can never win.

He smiled innocently.

D: ok Virat thanks again for coming. I got to go now. Have a great day.

V: you too. Message me once you are done with work and leave for home.

D: sure.

Virat’s POV

Last night before going to sleep I thought a lot about the day. I figured out that some how because of our own selfish reasons we have done wrong to Ditya. I know she is deserving and capable. But am I am putting lots of pressure over her. I thought of thanking her. But how? I decided I will go to the office in the morning and will thank her.

I woke up and realised I am late and if I will not reach on time may be she will already be in some meeting. So I rushed towards the office. On my way I saw those beautiful flowers. I debated myself. Should I get them for her? What would she think? But she deserves it right? I finally bought them wrote a note and kept it on her desk before she arrives. And I decided to wait downstairs in the parking to avoid any unwanted attention from the employs of the company.

I saw her coming towards me. She was wearing a grey dress which ended just before her knees and compliment her body perfectly. Her hairs tied in a sleek ponytails. I like them more when they are open. Oh god how she manages to look this beautiful every time. I realised I was checking her out. What is happening to me? I chose to ignore looking in to her lively brown eyes right away and pretended to be busy on my phone.

We just exchanged few words and she left. I came back home and did nothing throughout the day except for waiting for her message.

It was around 9pm. I became restless. Did she forgot to message which can not be the case I was quite sure. Is she still working? Is she fine and safe? With all these thoughts there was another thought coming into my mind why do I care so much? What is this happening to me? Why dose her well being and where about matters to me?

It was 10 pm. I decided I am calling her right away.

V: where on the earth are you?

D: just stepping out of my cabin. Was about to message you.

V: you were working till 10. Have you thought of finishing up all the work on the first day itself.

D: very funny nothing like that. The initial days would be tough. I am still understanding things. This will go like that for a week or so I have to spend a little extra time to understand all the things.

V: makes sense.

D: tell me how come you called? Need help with something.

V: no I was just worried. Message me once you reach home.

D: sure.

Some after around 20 minutes of the conversation i received a text “ reached. Sleep well.”
I replied “ you too”

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