Chapter 60

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Ok!! better late then never. Eid mubarak.

So I am finally here with an update. This has been written in parts and between those I have been on a roller coaster of emotions in my life. Sorry if it doesn’t turn out to be a good one.

Do let me know how you find it.

And seriously 39.9 k reads. Like is this real???

You guys are just wow.... All the love to you.... 😍😘🤗

Ps: Thanks for all your support. It really means world to me.


D: Virat can you make it a bit faster please.

An angry Ditya almost shouted from the couch in the living room.

V: jaan this is not I am very good at still I am trying my level best just give me some time.

Replied Virat who was busy preparing vegetable tofu fry for his beloved 7 months pregnant wife at 5 in the morning.

Ditya had the most weirdest cravings during her pregnancy. One moment she felt like eating the most unhygienic and unhealthy street food the other moment she felt like having home cooked healthy food.

After another 10 minutes Virat came to the living room with the prepared dish and a glass of orange juice.

He made her sit with the support of few pillows. Her baby bump was already bigger than normal because of twins which was making her day to day life and little movements difficult.   

Virat sat next to her and held her in his strong arms. 

V: Diti chill relax. Eat slowly. The food is not going to run away or something.

D: I am starving ok?

She said with a irritated expression on her face still eating.

V: but you have you mid night snack like 2 hours back.

He said trying to hold himself back from laughing.

D: its not me Virat these two are your kids. Bhukkhad  just like you.

She said with the most cutest expression on her face. Virat couldn’t resist he placed a light kissed on her forehead.

V: Diti… jaan I want to tell you something.

He took the empty dish from her and placed it on the table and made her sit with her back resting against his chest and both his hands on her baby bump. 

D: haan bolo na virat.

V: jaan I have decided to have a proper baby shower for you.

D: Virat… what is the need? I mean…

V: we don’t have kids on a daily basis Diti and you are asking what is the need? I want you to remember your pregnancy as the  most golden time of your life. Please let me do this for you. Also our friends and family are very excited about this.

D: Virat you are already doing more than required to make me feel like a queen of this damn entire world.

V: Diti for me for our family and friends please …

D: ok fine but just our close ones not a huge celebration or something.

V: as you say. Now sleep for a while until its time for your morning walk.

After a while Virat woke up to find worlds most beautiful creation sleeping next to him. He placed his hand on her belly making sure not to wake her up. He kind of hush talked to his kids.

V: kids you know I love you both but I love your mumma more. Please be good to mumma and don’t cause her trouble. I can’t wait to meet you two.

And just then he felt two strong kick back to back as if the babies just responded to him. He just couldn’t hold his tears back. Ditya was already up and was admiring the little chit chat between father and kids.

She doesn’t really had the best childhood and have missed the affection from her parents but the way Virat took care of her and worried about the kids, the way he has kept his fears aside and only been positive, she was sure that Virat will be a great father.

She ran her fingures in his hairs.

D: Virat….

V: oh my beautiful wife is already up.

He said wiping of the tears away so she can’t see them.

D: its ok Veer. You don’t have to be strong all the time.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

V: Diti this feeling is just too overwhelming for me.

D: I know Veer. But I also know that you will be the best father to our kids.

V: you sure Diti. I am not even home half of the times. What if they will grow distant to me. What if they will think of me as a bad father?

D: yes Virat I am sure. Never doubt yourself about it. You are already a great father to them and the best husband.

V: you sure?

He asked, still a bit unsure.

D: yes. Now let me go so that I can get ready for our morning walk.

As Ditya got ready Virat was helping her in wearing shoes. She admired him doing all these little he did for her she can’t thank god enough for sending him in her life. In that moment she knew that even if it takes her life to give him happiness in form of there little kids she will not back off. For him, for there kids she has to.

They both left for the morning walk. Doctor has suggest some regular exercise like pregnancy yoga and slow morning walk for Ditya to help through the pregnancy and Virat being a great husband accompanied her whenever he can.

After the walk they were having there breakfast when Virat decided to have a difficult but important conversation.

V: Diti the baby shower is today. Aunty planed everything. We have to go to there house.

D: really?? So quick??

V: yeah they all worked there ass off to get it done today all of them are ecstatic about it.

D: we are just so lucky to have them in our life Veer. They all just love us.

V: indeed. Also I have a surprise waiting for you after the baby shower.

D: you surprise me with every thing you do love. What it is now?

V: my dear wife if you are forgetting let me remind you its our 4th anniversary tomorrow and we will be welcoming it in a very special way midnight.

D: god Veer you have become such a chees ball?

V: your chess ball.

Ditya was about to get up when Virat decided to come to the sensitive topic.

V: ahmm Diti I guess its the time we should let our family know.

Ditya’s heart stopped for few seconds. She broke into soft sobs.

D: Virat we just can’t. I mean… they love us… they love me.. I can’t hurt them…

Virat held her as if he was trying to protecting her from falling apart. Both of them knew that they might not be talking about it but the fact that Ditya might not able to make it through the delivery was constantly on their mind.

V: Diti… jaan… I know our struggle is tough but we have to be tougher isn’t? You are my strength. If you will fall like this what I am suppose to do.

D: Virat I know we have to be strong but I can’t make them go through what we go through on a daily basis. They will be hurt. 

V: they will be more hurt if they will get to know this last minute. Please understand Diti.

Ditya gave it a thought while she was still in his arms. She made up her mind. Brushed away the tears.

D: Ok. We will do it today.

Virat smiled between the tears.

V: that’s like my Diti. And trust me I will not let anything happen to you.

After a while Mira came to help Ditya dress as all the others were busy with last minute preparations at dhoni’s.  Mira was the only one apart from Virat and Ditya who knew about the complications of her pregnancy.

M: all done. You don’t even need make up you are shining already.

She said finishing of the final touch of the minimal make up she done.

D: thanks Mira. Thanks for everything.

M: Ditya I know its tough but hats off to you both q way you guys dealt with it and still facing it is… how I just wonder how you can be so brave and smile through it.

Ditya was not sure why she was already feeling very emotional and the words by Mira kicked it off. She could feel a slight strain in her lower abdomen.

D: you know Mira I still remember the day we lost our first baby I still remember the pain I saw in Virat’s eyes. And then the day we got to know that we were expecting. He didn’t slept the entire night. He was just out of the world happy. You Mira that smile of his gives me the courage to be brave. The love he showers up on me, the faith he has in god, the assurance he gives me all these things makes me strong to fight all the odds in life.

Ditya said wiping of the tears which have skipped off her eyes.

Mira was very emotional too. She has known her for the longest of the time. She has seen her working like a robot to turning into a lovely lady that she is today.

M: you know Diti I am so glad you found someone like him in your life. I have seen him changing your life up side down. I have seen you changing for better. And you both truly restore our faith in love.

Mira gave Ditya a tight hug. And just then they heard a knock on then door and it was non other than  Virat.

V: God!!! Wife you look beautiful.

Ditya chose a beautiful sea green flowy dress which was compliment her skin and her baby bump. She paired it with the emerald pendent which Virat gave her on there first official date 4 year ago and white flat sandals.

She was a little unsure about how her friends and family going to react after knowing the truth and the slight pain and strain in her lower abdomen was not helping at all.  

V: and I think we should leave before we get late. Everyone is waiting for us.

He said taking her hands into his.

D: sure but Virat can we visit the nursery we have set up for the kids and mom dad’s room before we leave?

V: We can do that after coming back also.

D: yeah I know but I am feeling like visiting it right now.

V: ok as my queen demands.

And with that he lead her to the room next to theirs in which they have set up the nursery for there kids.

Ditya remembers all the arguments they had while finalising the colour theme of the room

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Ditya remembers all the arguments they had while finalising the colour theme of the room. Virat wanted the room to be pink as he wants both there kids to be girls and if not both than atleast one on the other hand Ditya was sure that they will have one boy if not two. The ended up with the colour white.

Ditya touched both the cribs with warmth. And looked at everything with all the love.

Virat was a little confused over her behaviour but he didn’t wanted to ruin her emotional moment. Later they went down stairs to his parents room where Ditya took the blessings before leaving to dhoni’s for her baby shower.

On there way Virat couldn’t help but ask…

V: Diti is everything fine love?

D: yes Virat. Its just I am nervous. I don’t know how they will react.

V: Ditya you know they all love you. So stop being nervous about it. And don’t stress yourself.

Ditya herself was not sure of the emotions she was going through right now.

D: Virat I am sorry. I was not able to be a good life partner.

Virat was shocked on her emotional outburst. He knew she was feeling emotionally unstable and needs re assurance. This was something which needed his un divided attention. By this time they reached the Dhoni residence. He parked the car and helped her to get out of the car. He knew he needs to address her emotions before she face’s everyone. She needs to be strong.

He gently cupped her face and made her look into his eyes.

V: Ditya you have made me the man I am. You are my inspiration, motivation and strength.  In all these years of togetherness you have been there with me in thick and thins. Sunshine you are the one who taught me to smile when I have forgotten it. So never say that  you are not a good life partner. Love you are the best.

He gave her a reassuring hug. She stayed there for a while as if she was picking her broken pieces. He kissed her forehead…

V: I love you and our kids. And as I have promised I will not let anything harm you. So trust me.

D: I trust you.

She said with confidence.

V: great now lets go in.

And with that they entered the  beautifully decorated Dhoni residence.

It was so overwhelming for both of them. The decoration was beautiful. It was all pink, white and soft colours. Just like Ditya would love.

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Singh aunty escorted them in. All there friends were there. To there surprise Ditya’s parents have also came from Delhi to attend the baby shower.


Phew…Finally finally finally.

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Happy reading.

Hugs and kisses😘😘🤗🤗


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