Chapter 3

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Ditya's POV

It was a long day for me. I had 3 client meetings and a dead line for a project to meet. It's nothing new for me. I have always craved to be successful and knew all this is going to be part of it.

I came home around 9pm after all those meetings. I got myself out of that business suit and got into something comfortable. Tossed myself some salad (Disadvantages of staying alone: P)

As soon as I tuned into news channel I Saw Mahi bhai and Virat Kohli addressing the media.

I am a huge cricket fan. Actually I love sports be it cricket, football, tennis anything. I follow cricket the most.

Mahi was my brother in law, my best friend's husband, school mate (of curs we were not in the same class but was in same school) and my not great but good friend. (I know too many relations).that why I ended up calling him bhai. He truly was an elder brother figure for me.

I saw him answering most of the questions and Virat sitting just for the sake of it.

I knew Virat kohli. I am a huge admirer of him. At one point of time we were in same school. But after a year or so he left the school. I still remember him though but I am sure he must have forgotten me long back.

As long as I remember he was not like this. I mean back in school he was not this quite. Of curs I don't know him much but he was definitely different back then. Right now I can see a sense of discomfort on his face certain kind of uneasiness. I was aware of his loss and I believe that might have shocked him and because of that he is like this today, so confined in his own world. After school I have seen him thrice once at my house with his parents when we very young. His parents use to visit mine very often as they had some business relations and our mothers got along quite well, but he only visited us once, the second time i saw him was shakshi's surprise birthday party thrown by Mahi bhai in their courtship period he came into the party for around 5 or 10 miniuts and the last time saw him was mahi and sakshi's wedding.

In all those 3 meetings we never exchanged any words. I somehow kind of felt like bad for that poor soul. I felt like helping him come up with life.

I just sat there for a while with all these thoughts running into my mind than I brushed those thoughts aside thinking I am just being a huge fan girl nothing else and switched on my laptop and I was again back to work.

I do work a lot but that doesn't mean that I am those boring types. It's true I hardly have any friends but I do have a life: P.

I do hang out with my friends and colleagues, I play badminton and go to swimming on weekends and gym is by best buddy. I do not do any intense work out but yeah I do like to stay fit.

I was almost done with the work around 11:30 pm. decided to call it a day as I had a very important meeting tomorrow and just then I was disturbed by a phone call and it was none other than my best friend Sakshi.

(Before we go into the conversation let's talk a little about sakshi. She is a girl who can be excited about anything and everything. She is full of life and craziness. And a best friend one could ever ask for. She is caring, loving and sharing.)


Sak: Hello diti how are you??

She almost screamed on the other end.

D: i am fine my love sakku how are you?

Sak: don'nt sakku me diti. It's been ages we have not seen each other despite of living in the same city. You seem to be working all 365 days of year. You didn't even turn on to your own birthday party.

She said all that in one breath.

I can sense she was really pissed and kind of sad. It's true we have not met in ages. I realized that I have been so much into work that I didn't even realize I miss her and she misses me as well.

Yes she has arranged a birthday party for me and last minute I got a conference to attend in Singapore. I didn't even attend my own birthday party, then also she never complained and always been understanding.

I just gave in and decided that this time I am going to visit her whenever she wants me to. I have also not seen Ziva in a while now. She is bright 18 month old girl as I can figure out from the pictures her mother keeps sending me.

D: I am so sorry sakku. Ok tell me when do want me to come? I will come for sure. Pakka.

Sak: ok than tomorrow morning it is.

I can hear the happiness in her voice. I had an important meeting but as I have already promised her I said yes.

D: ok then we are having our breakfast together. Now go and spend some time with your poor husband who has come back after so long.

Sak: oh ho so you do not have time for me and know where about of your mahi bhai. Good good.

She said sarcastically.

D: my dear Sakshi he is THE CAPTION of INDIAN CRICKET TEAM everyone know about his wear about. hehe

Sak: ok ok madam. See you in the morning. Can't wait to see you.

D: same here my girl. good night.lots of love to my baby Ziva.


Next chapter is going to be the there first proper meeting. A very interesting meeting.


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