Chapter 39

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Ditya’ POV

I woke up to the most beautiful morning. I just thought about the event of yesterday. My wedding, my own fairytale wedding started. We even had the first ceremony. I felt the heat  on my cheeks. This is what Virat has done to me, I blush even on my own thoughts.

I picked up my phone to check the notifications from last night. There were few work emails some random messages and notification but the notification which caught my attention was from Virat. He tagged me in a picture. I quickly clicked on the notification.   

This was a random picture of us which he has quoted beautifully “Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky

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This was a random picture of us which he has quoted beautifully
“Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you my love.”

I had tears twinkling down my eyes. I was mesmerized by his ways to make me feel special. In that moment I loved him even more.

I sat there for a while to sink in the feeling. A chain of memory started playing in my mind. How we met, how we became friends, how we became best friends, the way he always loved me cared for me as if I am his most precious treasure. We were about to take the next step in life. We were about to begin our life’s together. I have always been a very career oriented focused and practical girl but this man made me believe in love, made me believe in fairytales made me believe that the prince charming do exist. 

I came out of my thoughts by the vibration of my phone which was still in my hands. It was my man. It was Virat

V: Good morning Sunshine.

D:good morning veer.

V: sunshine stop thinking about me so much. Just matter of three more days and you will be here next to me.

D: Oh please I was not even thinking about you.

V: Give up Diti give up I know you. Also I know I am way to hot not to fantasize. Waise I belong to you only you can fantasize whatever you want.

D: god Virat how shameless you have become.

V: aacha I became shameless? Ok now I will not be shameless anymore. Bye

He disconnected the call. I pissed him off. The last thing I ever wanted to do.

Mu rest of the day went in trying to call him and talk to him but he is the Virat adamant Kohli. He ignored me through out the day. On the other hand all our friends and family were busy preparing for sangeet tonight.

The pooja sangeet, haldi the reception and cocktails was suppose to happen at his place and the mehndi chudachadhai Hindu wedding was suppose to happen at my place. While the Punjabi wedding will be at gurudwara and  another reception will be in Delhi at my parents place.

I was getting ready for my sangeet. My friends are here to help  me with my dress and makeup.

Sak: wow Ditya just look at you. You are looking so pretty.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now