Chapter 10

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Virat’s POV

As soon as we came out of the office. There were flashes on us from every possible angle. The news of Ditya taking over was spreading faster then fire. Everyone wanted the details. Everyone wanted either of us to comment on the same.

I was frustrated. This was such unwanted attention. The official statement is already been given. What the want now. Just then I thought of Ditya I am use to all this and have learnt to avoid all this. But what about her. What I have done. Where I have landed her to.

But to my surprise, as I have said earlier. She was leading from the front. She stood there with all the confidence in the world and addressed them all.

D: guys the official statement is being given already that's the only information we can share. If we will have anything other then that we will let you know. As for now we really appreciate your time and concern. Thank you.

Wow!!! She is so cool. She just shut them all with in 10 seconds. God this girl. I was just standing there awestruck.

D: are we planning to stay here or are we going home?

V: ohh I am sorry. Lets go home.

The journey back home went in silence. We reached home roughly in 25 minutes.

D: ok virat I will take your leave now. I will be working as per the usual schedule from tomorrow. As of now I don’t see anything pending on your part so I will continue to work on the other tasks. And if you need to discuss anything you can give me a call.

V: yeah. Sure. Aahmm Ditya Thank you.

D: thanks for what Virat.

V: the way you taken care of the media outside the office.

D: oh come on Virat. I am your manager too and being that its part of my job.

V: but these stupid questions can be so annoying at times.

D: Virat actually I know that you hate all this media and stuff but I wanted to say something. I am debating I should say this or not.

V: oh come on Ditya please say it.

D: see how these things works are different then you think. You think they chase you everywhere and want to know what’s happening in your life. Its not like that. They just want to know you. They want to know that what is there favourite player is up to. They want to know that what kind of a person you are and they want to know all this because you have made yourself a mystery. Let them look into your world from your prospective. You know that will change a lot of things. That way you will control what you want them to know and what you want to keep away from them and they will stop chasing you.

V: I think you are right they are curious because they don’t know anything.

D: I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway.

V: no way Ditya in fact this was the most useful  advice I have got.

D: ok I will leave now.

V: Ditya...

D: yes...

V: can I click a picture of us with this car of mine please.

D: sure virat but why?

V: as you might be aware I love my cars and this one is my favourite and you are the first setting in it of curs apart from me.

D: you serious?? I mean really... I got this lucky.

V: yes! I am kind of possessive about this car of mine that’s why I haven’t let anyone take a drive in it.

D: ok lets click a picture then.

I quickly took the picture and exchanged the numbers as I can need that anytime.

V: ok Ditya thanks again.

D: its my job Virat how many times I have to tell you that. Ok now good night. Its late now. I should leave.

V: yeah ok. Drop me a message once you reach.

D: sure. Bye

There is a special thing about this girl she simplifies everything. I am sure I already like this girl. I get a very diffrent kind of feeling around her a very positive one, a feeling where in I know nothing can be wrong. Is it to early to jump on any conclusion??

Ditya’s POV

At the beginning of the day I thought its gona be very hard to work with him being on my side. But to my surprise it was rather comforting.

We worked the entire day. Ok to be specific I worked the entire day and he was just stetting there on the couch uninterested and signing papers either me or uncle ask him to.

I told him to read them at least but he said he trust us. He is such a innocent soul I tell you. At the end of the day when I saw the press I knew he gona be pissed so I just taken care of that. I felt like doing it. I felt like shutting them all off. After all they were bothering him. I also tried to make him understand to be a little more open about himself to people.

There is lot that has happened in the day.

As soon as I thought the day is over. He cleaned bowled me with the car thing. I mean what??? Am I that special... I was so happy to hear what he said. I was the first person ever to sit in his favourite car.

I reached home in next 15 minutes.

With those thoughts I was about to go to sleep and suddenly I remember. I have to message virat.

Honestly I was not use to all this care and affection as anyone hardly shown it to me. I was happy that he bothered to do that much. He cared for me. Was it just me or he is like that? I was so confused anyways I wrote him the message.

D: “reached home safe and sound good night sleep well” with that i hit the sent button. And with in few seconds i received a reply from him

V: “ good. You too sleep well”

As soon as I was about to drift off to sleep I received a notification Virat tagged me in a picture.

It was picture of us with his Audi a8 in the back ground.  

He quoted it “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. #newbeginning”

I just smiled at it. I guess he is taking into considerations to be more open about himself to people.

I liked the picture. And commented “cheers to that”. I knew this picture is gona be the hot news but I really don’t care. I already see likes and comments flooding in. There is certain force which is pulling us towards each other.
There is definately something and I will leave it on time to tell us what it is.

There is definately something and I will leave it on time to tell us what it is

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