Chapter 40

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The next day.

Msd: Come on Virat get up.

V: 5 more min bhai please.

Msd: you have already taken an hour extra by saying 5 more min number of times.

Yuvi: Mahi he will not get up like this.

Msd: then??

Yuvi: Virat Ditya is down stairs waiting for you.

And that trick went really well. He got up in a jerk.


Yuvi: see I told you.

Msd: he has become such a slave I tell you

V: Not fair

Msd: accha you sleeping in on the day of your haldi is fair. Ha?

V: I will make you guys pay for this keep that in mind.

Msd & yuvi: yeah yeah we will see.

With that Singh uncle and aunty entered the room.

Sa: Virat beta you are getting married in matter of hours now and you two are already married grown up boys. still fighting like kids

V: Its all there fault Aunty. They keep pulling my leg.

Sa: Aawww mera sona puttar. (She sat beside him on bed and gave her a motherly hug)  And you two go and check the arrangement’s down stairs. They will be here any moment.

Msd: Mom not fair you always take his side.

SA: yes because he the youngest one. And my favourite.

V: See even she loves me more than you..

He stick out his tongue like a 4 year old.

Msd: Fine we are going.

With that Mahi and Yuvi left leaving Uncle aunty and Virat alone.

Su: Virat beta you are stepping into a new phase of life. And we are glad that you are going to spend your life with a girl like Ditya who is so sorted and strong to accompany you. But we are here to say that no matter where life takes you we will still be there for you.

Sa: yes beta no matter what you will always be our son. And let us also tell you that you have always been an excellent son and I am sure you will be a wonderful husband to.

V: uncle aunty to be honest I will never be able to thank you guys enough for being there always. All I can say is I love and respect you both as much as did to my own parents. Thank you for being there in my life.

Sa: pagal baccha. Who thank there parents? You need not to.

Su: ok now enough of emotional stuff. We are getting late. Sharma’s will be here any moment. Lets get going.

After a while Virat came down stairs dressed in a light yellow kurta.

Sak: Wow brother in law looking handsome haan..

V: Bhabhi I had to your sister keeps stealing the show every got damn time.

Ro: Sister kis ki hai??

Yuvi: lets go guys they are here. And Virat keep a hand on your heart. I am sure its much needed.

She entered the once again escorted by her brothers looking stunning as ever. True to yuvi’s words Virat’s heart need some extra support. It skipped serval beats at once.

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