Chapter 13

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Virat’s POV

Next day went as usual. In the evening I was practicing mahi bhai.

MSD: What happened Virat? I have noticed you are not your usual self. What is bothering you?

I knew there is no use playing “its nothing” game with Mahi Bhai. He knows me too well for that.

V: Bhai what should we do when we are in a situation where we don’t know what a person thinks of us?

Msd: Virat people not always say what they think of us. We have to understand by there actions. Actions speaks louder then words.

V: and Bhai if we are in a battle of mind and heart over a person we care for who should we listen to?

Msd: if the person is near to your heart you should always listen to your heart not mind. You heart will always lead you to the correct path.

V: thanks so much Bhai.. this was much needed.

I was so done with avoiding her. Actually it was more of a fear. After my parents I was afraid of getting close to anyone. I was afraid of losing them. I was afraid of getting hurt again. But right now I was hurt ignoring her. And somewhere I feel I was hurting her too by doing that.

I just made up my mind. I will stop this battle within me and will do whatever my hearts feels like. I will just go with the flow. And about her, I know how straight forward she is, if anytime my behaviour will bother her she will tell me for sure just the way she told me how me ignoring her has disappointed her. I trust my girl with that. Oh wait I am already calling her my girl!!!

I came back from the practice and gave a call to Ditya.

V: Hello Ditya!!

D: oh Hi Virat. I was about to call you. The contract is renewed as per our new terms.

V: Its not about work I am calling you for. Come out of the work mode for once.

D: ok tell me what it is then??

V: I want you drop you to airport tonight.

D: Its ok Virat you don’t have to. Mira will drop me

V: Ditya I know I don’t have to but I said I want to. Message me your address I will be there to pick u up.

And I ended the call before she could even say something.

Ditya’s POV

It was a regular work day for me till I received the call from Virat.

Why this guy has to be so unpredictable. Day before yesterday he was ignoring me, yesterday he was concern about me. And today he is bossing me around. He WANTS to come and drop me to the airport... agggrrr I hate this guy.

Any ways I texted him my address and went back to work I had a lot to finish before I leave.

D: Mira just take care of everything when I am not around. I am just a phone call away if you need me. I will give your no to Virat just in case he needs any help.

M: Ditya this the 100th time you are giving me the same set of instructions. I will manage. You go home now and pack your stuff missy. Have safe trip.

D: Thanks. Bye see you.

I came back home and packed my stuff. It was around 8.10 pm I was done with packing and about to go and change. I heard the door bell. It was non other than Virat.

D: hey Virat please come in.

V: hey!

D: how come you are so early?

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now