Chapter 4

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Virat's POV

I got up around 6:30 am in the morning. It was quite early. I thought of going for a jog.

I jogged for around 1 hour and came back home.

The time I returned home kaki was already waiting for me with a glass of juice.

Kaki: so beta what will you have in breakfast.

V: kaki I am visiting Singh uncle for the breakfast so please just make a cup of coffee for me I will go and get ready mean while.

I quickly took shower and got into a black t shirt and off white track pants.

I was never worried about my looks I just wanted to be presentable all the time. Today was no different; I was even more careless today about my looks as I am just visiting my second home. That house and the members of that house never made me feel like I am not part of that house. If Mahi bhai is the older son I was the younger one.

By the time I got ready and finished my cup of coffee it was already 8:30 am. And without any future delay I left for Mahi bhai's house.

On my way I found a flower shop and got Sakshi Bhabhi's favourite flowers. This was the tradition I have started following from the time Mahi bhai got married to her I always got her those flowers whenever I visited them.

I was feeling a different kind of positive today. I tried to figure out but was unable to find why? I chose to ignore all the thoughts coming to mind and decided to go with the flow.

Ditiya's POV

I got up around 6 in the morning and quickly changed into my gym cloths and went to gym.

Came back home in an hour or so helped myself with some juice, I was going through the morning news paper and my phone rang. It was sakshi again.

Sak: good morning diti

D: good morning sakku

Sak: so you are coming right? You are not ditching me for some stupid meeting of yours? Or you have already forgotten?

D: aree baba I am coming. How can I forget when I have already promised you?

Sak: yeeeee I am so happy.

D: ok now let me go and get ready. See you in an hour or so.

I hung up the phone, took shower and dressed into a casual polka dot black top and paired it up with black jeans and I was ready to go.

Just when I was about to leave I remember I bought a gift for Ziva long back but was unable to give it to her it was a huge teddy I took it along with me and left.

I was so looking forward to this day.

Virat's POV

As I reached and rang the door bell. Sakshi bhabhi opened the door.

Sak: hello virat. Congrts for the great performance.

I gave her a friendly hug.

V: thanks bhabhi. For you.

I said giving her the flowers.

Sak: thank you so much. You know that is why you are my favourite you never forget them.

She said with the huge smile on her face. For me she is the most genuine and pure hearted person I have ever met.

MSD: ab andar bhi aajao. (Now come inside)

Sak: oh yeah get inside

I went inside and found uncle and aunty sitting on the couch.

I went up to them touched their feet and took blessing and all of made ourselves comfortable in the drawing room. Ziva was also there playing with her toys.

Aunty: it's so good to see you back after so long my child.

Su: yes virat. It's been so long, but I am so proud of you boys.

He said encouraging me.

V: thanks uncle and aunty it's so good to be home.

Sak: virat leave all that, tell me have you found anyone or still the same old single.

MSD: sakshi, to find someone one needs to interact.

Mahi bhai joined bhabhi and started pulling my leg.

There was something about this house and the people I never feel irritated no matter how much fun they make out of me.

V: Bhabhi it's nothing like that.

I was lack of words. I didn't know how to reply or what to reply. Aunty seem to understood and came to my resque.

Aunty: oh stop it. Virat beta love finds its ways you do not have to worry about it, just like these two.

She said pointing towards bhai and bhabhi.

Su: she is right beta. By the way Sakshi you told me Ditya is coming? Where is she?

Sak: oh yes papa she is coming. On her way.

V: Ditya??

Su: yes Ditya Sharma the young business women I am sure you must have heard about her?

Msd: I believe you must have met her? Don't you?

V: oh yeah I have heard about her. Yeah! Seen her twice or thrice but haven't met her.

Sak: today is gona be your lucky day then she will be here any moment you guys can meet.:P

Su: ok let her come. We have something important to talk about.

Ditya Sharma, yes she was a business women not a celebrity but with all she has done and achieved in her young age she was no less than a celebrity. She was always in the business news for taking her company or should company she worked in, to new heights.

She was beautiful and confident woman. How I know all this? Courtesy my team mates.

Yes, almost all my team mates were crazy about her. Specially Rahul and Hardik. She was quite popular and active on all the social media unlike me who only open or uploads something on social media once in a while.

She being highly active and being followed by almost all my team on those social platforms I have seen some of her pictures and yes she was indeed beautiful. She was beauty with brains.

I knew her from school and also I remember my mother mentioning her. I do not remember exchanging words with her. To be honest I was looking forward to meet her. Being an anti social it's not something I feel about people often. It's just I have heard so much about her that I wanted to meet and see what she is? It was more of curiosity than anything else.


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