Chapter 28

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For the first time in life Ditya was confused what to wear. She knew its not going to be a fancy stereotype date in a restaurant. She was aware of the fact that being who they are they don’t have the luxury to hang out in public places. The confusion was where he is taking her that to at 10 in the morning. To give rest to her thoughts came virat’s message.

V: “ Diti dress comfortable. Anyways you look beautiful in anything you wear.”

For a min she thought can he read minds? Or is he here somewhere? She looked around herself to make sure. But found no one. She replied.

D: thanks veer but where are we going? At least let me know.

V: its a surprise you have to wait for it.

She gave up. She knew he will not answer that so easily. She hurried up and got ready. As soon as the clock hit 10 she heard her doorbell ring.

V: good morning sunshine

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V: good morning sunshine. Here flowers for lovely lady.

D: thank you. 

V: shall we go now.

D: sure.

The drive to there destination was silent one. He was driving towards the outskirts of town for few minutes she tried to figure out where they must be going but then gave up and decided to enjoy the view outside. It was a pleasant sunny day.

V: Ditya not fair yaar.

D: now what veer??

V: how can you look so beautiful every time. I am now lack of adjectives of beautiful to describe you.

D: Don’t you think engagement made you cheesy?

V: here i am telling you the truth and you find it cheesy. Huh no respect for feelings. Anyways we are here.

He said declaring that they have reached there destination. She was surprised and stoned for few seconds.

D: Virat you don’t know how many memories I have with this place. Thank you so much for bringing me here.

Yes they were in front of there school. They school where Ditya studied till the time her parents moved to Delhi. She always missed this place but never got a chance to visit it again. Today the thoughtful virat got her here.

V: Come lets go in. We have the school all by ourselves today.

D: What really??

V: Its holiday for kids and i took special permission from the principal Miss. Stacy. and you know na my charm always works.

D: yeah yeah self-obsessed Kohli lets go in.

V: sure mrs all the time rude and mean would be kohli.

Virat teased her. This was something special about there relation they will fight like kids will tease like teenagers will support and understand each other like a 70 year old married couple.

Ditya was visibly very excited to walk down the memory lane. Virat was amused to see her getting this excited.

D: lets go to my class first then yours then to the library and then to the cricket ground.

V: ok lets go.

They visited there respective classes and the library and now they were sitting in the stands of the small cricket ground they had. 

D: Virat remember when you played for the school very first time. You smashed 3 consecutive sixes. And the trials oh my god you were so food that they selected to you after only 4 balls you faced. And the time you got hit by the ball in your head. I was so scared.

She said it all in excitement not realising she is giving him her hidden secretes. She was holding his hands and was almost jumping with rejoice remembering all those moments. 

V: Ditya! You remember things which even i don’t remember. You never told me you admire me way back since school days. That’s interesting.

D: Veer nothing like that. Its just...

V: Its just what?

He turned his face near her and now there faces were inches apart. His eyes held her. He has already got his answer in those brown orbs. He was sure she likes him not from today or from yesterday but way back since school time. He was so happy with this new finding. Virat moved forward and kissed her on forehead. She closed her eyes as if she was capturing this all with in herself. He looked at her face with a tint of red on both of her cheeks. He enjoyed the effect he have on her. He smiled thinking this belongs to him and only him. He decided to break the silence.

V: You know what Ditya?

D: What?

V: I was always smitten by you but i was afraid to even talk to you. You were so perfect. No.1 in everything. You were talented beautiful and popular. Though i always wanted to talk to you but never had enough courage to do that not even when i visited your house with my parents not when i saw you at sakshi bhabhi’s birthday party and not when i saw you at mahi bhai’s wedding. I always wanted to but was not able to.

D: you noticed me all the times and never mentioned and i thought you didn’t recognise me.

V: no Ditya its not the case. How can i even forget you?

Ditya was overwhelmed hearing all this. This made her believe even stronger that they were meant to be. Its not just cupid playing its games its destinty.

They roam around the school for a while reliving the memories and head back. While in the car.

D: Thank you so much Virat this was indeed one of the best days of my life.

V: Its not over yet! There is something more to it.

D: What really??

V: yes lets go our second destination waits for us.

He drove them to a little outside the city. And after a drive of around 40 minutes they reached.

V: Here we are mam.

As she looked outside the view was beyond her imagination. She has never imagined a place like this near Mumbai. It was a farm which has a pretty house right in the middle of it. It was at a certain height the faint sea can be seen from there. The farm was covered with trees and plants of various kind of flowers and fruits.

V: Its our Farm house. I have so many memories with this place. Let me show you around.

D: yeah lets go. This is beautiful.

Virat showed her around a bit. And then took her to the table which was set for them. He has arranged it with the care taker and house help available at farm house. They served them the lunch they eat while he shared his childhood memories which he have with this place.

D: I wish we can come here and stay for a while.

V: Of curs we should do that.

D: its so peaceful here.

V: once i will be back from the tour we can come here whenever you want.

That gave her a pang in heart. The mention of him going away. And the mention of her living all alone without him around her all the time was indeed painful. She realized that she only have few hours and he have a flight at around 2 am and its already past noon. Virat understood her emotions. And tried to lighten up the mood though he himself was sad from within.

V: So you will miss me? Don’t you?

D: No i will not.

V: i know you will. And don’t worry you can always come to see me. I won’t mind.

D: no i will not miss you. I can now work in peace once you will be gone.

V: really?? You will not miss me Diti?

D: stop it Virat let me have my food in peace.

After they were done eating there food. Virat took her for the stroll in the farm.

V: Ditya I am not sure this is a right time or not. But i want you to know something about my past and my family.

D: Yes Virat tell me.

V: Ditya I have my dadi, two uncles and there family. Though they are my blood relatives but i have never considered them as family. They were always jealous of my fathers success and were always after his money. After my parents died they showed up only to take away the house and business from me not even caring about what i am going through. That’s when Singh uncle stepped up and took care of me and business to be honest Uncle and aunty never differentiated between me and Mahi bhai. I loved my grand mom a lot but they took her away. I don’t know it makes any difference or not i just wanted you to know all this. You will be a part of the family soon and i consider it important for you to know all this.

Virat said it all. He was on the verge of break down. He never in his life thought he would tell someone about all this. He has closed that chapter of his life once and forever but now since Ditya is soon going to be the part of his life he thought she has all the rights to know all this.

Ditya could see the pain in his eyes

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Ditya could see the pain in his eyes. She has lost way to much in life. Lossing his parents and then family would not have been easy. But despite of all this he never let anything come on his way to sucess. She is now more proude of him. He has gone through a lot and still emearged as a winner. She was not aware when the tears made there way out of her eyes.

D: Virat trust me whatever you just said will not make a difrence and after knowing all this my respect for you have reached anothre level. I am blessed to have someone so strong in my life.

Virat knew she would understand. And yes she did.

V: Thanks for being so understanding always.

D: no virat thanks for trusting me with this and for being honest with me.

V: Ditya.. ammm... wo...

D: what virat?

V: I have got something for you.

D: Virat you have given me enough surprises for today. Don’t tell me there is another one.

V: Actually yes. But for that you have to close your eyes.

D: Ok 

She closed her eyes nervously. He took out a pendent from his pocket and placed it around her neck carefully. The pendent was perfect match with the engagement ring.

In process of putting the chain around her neck

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In process of putting the chain around her neck. His cold figures brushed against her skin. A sudden shiver ran down her spine. Her heartbeat stopped for a while. She was finding it difficult to breadth. His hands was off her now but she was still not over the effect which he has created. She is experiencing feelings which she never knew existed.

V: Ditya open your eyes.

She opened her eyes and touched the pendent. Coming back to reality.

D: Virat its beautiful. Thank you so much.

V: Its not as beautiful as you are. Actually i bought it along with our engagement rings but was waiting for a correct time to give it to you. I hoped you liked it.

D: I loved it. And this was indeed a very special day for me. Thanks for everything.

V: Ditya i promise i will try my level best to make everyday of your life as special as today.

For a while they both have forgotten the fact that he has to leave in few hours. The realization hit them once they were on there way back home.

D: veer. When you will be back?

V: very soon don’t worry.

He just kept his vacant hand on her. She looked away trying hard to supress her tears. For the first time in life she wanted the time to stop. She just wanted to be with him in that moment. Today she just wanted to feel him around her. She wanted to tell Virat that how much she love him.

His heart was shattered seeing her in tears. In that moment of time he wanted to tell her how much he loves her what she means to him but he chose silence over words. He let the silence between them do the talking.

V: Ditya we are here.

Virat declared as he halted the car in front of her house.

D: hmm

Ditya muttered and got down the car.

D: Veer I will not be able to come to drop you off at the airport.

V: Its ok diti you don’t have to. Good night.

They both know they will not be able to bid good bye to each other and they both deep with in knew that this would have been way more easier if they would have expressed there true feelings. The emotions and the love they have for each other was getting too heavy to keep.

Virat moved forward cupped her face in to his hands and kissed her forehead. She was not able to hold herself back and gave him a hug. Though the hug was brief but it communicated all the emotions going within them and with that the night came to an end.


Though this update has nothing to do with Christmas but still......

Merry Christmas guys. Wishing you and your loved once happiness and prosperity. Enjoy!!

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