Chapter 25

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Its been two days to there engagement Ditya’s parents are going back to Delhi  today. Virat and Ditya came to the airport to drop them. The marriage was finalized after 3 months which will take place in Delhi at Ditya's parents house. Virat have a series in South Africa and will be away for another 20 days. Team have some domestic cricket to play on return after that the wedding and right after the wedding he will be leaving for IPL he tried convincing the elders to either keep the wedding a little early or keep it after IPL but according to them this date was very auspicious he reluctantly agreed.

They were now on there way back from airport after dropping Ditya’s parents. Ditya was bit disappointed the way her parents behave all this while her father always kept saying that she should not pay this much attention to work what she will achieve by this? Her mother always told her to concentrate more on house hold works as she will be a married woman soon. She hated this temperament of her parents. She don’t understand why people think that a woman who is successful professionally cannot have a successful personal life. Why her own parents don’t trust her.

V: What’s bothering you Diti??

D: nothing.

She replied not look at him. Lost in some other world.

He knew there are lots of things running into her mind right now and its not a good idea to push her to spill it out so he tried the other way.

V: How about having an ice cream?

D: Don’t tell me the Great fitness freak Virat Kohli eats ice cream.

V: No he doesn’t but the soon to be wife of Virat kohli loves ice cream.

Yes Virat being a fitness freak eats non diet food only on cheat days and during the breaks or else he stays by his diet but as he has a series coming up he will not compromise on his fitness. Ditya her self was fitness conscious person but she always believed in burning out the calories you eat not resisting them and a little thanks to her genes what ever she eat did nothing to her body.

V: You know what Ditya? Today i my self will go to the ice cream shop and will get you an ice cream.

D: no Virat please don’t do that. Its 11 in the morning its pretty crowded and i don’t want to bother you much. If people will find out you will be struck here for forever. I will get it myself.

V: No you will not. I am going that’s final.

He stepped out and pulled his hood of the hoody over his head. And walked towards the ice cream store. The person on the other side was about to scream but he gestured him to keep mum. He went into the store got the ice cream clicked a pic with the store keeper gave him an autograph and walked out.

D: pretty smart haan Kohli.

V: so what do you think you are the only one smart here soon gona be Kohli.

D: one no doubt i am the smartest one here. Two thank you for the ice cream and three i already know i am gona be Mrs. Kohli and i am glad about it you don’t have to remind me that every now and then.

She said gulping down her butterscotch ice cream without realizing what she just said.

On the other hand he was happy to see that she is back to being her carefree self. He did noticed what she said and went with the flow.

V: Oh ho I am so blessed today. The great business woman the woman of logics and calculations the smart Ditya Sharma is glad about soon going to be Kohli.

She blushed to crimson red. She just hung her head as she was unable to react to what he just sad her cute expression made virat laugh which was soon joined by Ditya. Although he have made a mental note to discuss what is bothering her because he can feel that discomfort in her from the time her parents have arrived.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now